295 definitions by will

fucking, sweet, awesome. usaully used before a word. Comes from movie Napoleon Dynamite. used in the same way as fuck.
that was flippin' sweet!
by will January 9, 2005
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A flaming homosexual Canadian. Generally lives in Winnipeg and goes by the name 'Mike'.
Mike, you're such a Canadian, you fucking moosechasing maple syrup sipper!
by will October 23, 2003
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a mythical creature who lives in hollow trees and throws rocks at passer-bys for days...also an amazing band.
while i was travelling through the woods an argopelter threw a rock at me ! ahh!
by will December 17, 2003
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Quaint -
1) Something which is old or is deemed an "old fashion"

2) Sometimes used to describe the female genitals
1) "It's rather quaint the way he insists we should marry before we have sex"

2) "Thats a nice quaint cunt, suitable for a good bashing"
by will March 31, 2004
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Most everywhere: One thousand millions;

Also meant to exaggerate.
I've seen that movie a billion times.
by will October 2, 2003
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another word than saying shit, comes from the word fecal as in fecal matter that comes out of your ass
what the feek is this
by will March 3, 2005
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