34 definitions by smendler

Economically challenged citizens who support conservative causes, despite the fact that doing so is against their economic self-interest.
"Didja see all those conserfs at their 9/12 march?"
by smendler September 22, 2009
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That driver who's been chewing on your bumper for the past ten miles, so you move over to the slow lane and let him pass, in the hope that he'll be the one to attract attention and get pulled over by the State Police
"Geez man, you want to be trooper bait so bad, okay, go ahead and pass!"
by smendler May 11, 2010
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an origami "fortune-teller" device made out of paper - a favorite among girls around 6th grade or so, but popular with all ages and genders.

To make a cootie-catcher, fold a paper square to form four "pyramids". The player opens and closes the pyramids with their index fingers and thumb, revealing different things (usually numbers or colors) on the inside surfaces.

The person who is having their "fortune" told chooses once, twice, or three times, and then the paper is unfolded to reveal a "fortune"
Jessica: "Wanna play cootie catcher? It'll tell you who your boyfriend is!"

Suzie: "Okay!"

Jessica: "Pick a number."

Suzie: "Okay- um - 4. Now - Red. Now 6. (unfolds cootie catcher message) Eeuuwww - I do NOT like Timmy Jones! Yuck!"
by smendler December 11, 2009
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(from the French "sirop de poteau") What Quebecers and others call imitation "breakfast syrups" like Mrs. Buttersworth or Log Cabin - suggesting that they are made by tapping dead telephone poles rather than real maple trees.
"Oh man, she made me pancakes in the morning, right? But all she had to put on them was some disgusting pole syrup!"
by smendler February 7, 2012
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From Latin; literally "a horrible year." A year in which practically everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. The opposite of annus mirabilis.
From the death of David Bowie to the election of Donald Trump, 2016 was a perfect example of an annus horribilis
by smendler November 26, 2016
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To engage in a show of unity and harmony with one's opponents or enemies; frequently used in a disparaging or sarcastic sense
"Well, we're not going to sit around the campfire, hold hands and sing Kumbaya, that's for damn sure!"

by smendler April 29, 2009
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Probably not the best, but what the hell, at least we got the job done to minimally acceptable standards.
Max: "Hey, you done trimming those shrubs?"

Minnie: "I don't know, they look a little uneven yet..."

Max: "Nah, that's good enough for government work, let's go get a beer!"
by smendler September 20, 2010
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