8 definitions by ryfly

jefferson county sheriff

Pretty chills mountain police in Colorado who are very kind and often let you go but are hard core on and the people who actually commit crimes and actually do there job and not really do much traffic control.
hey brother! i'm from the jefferson county sheriff hows it goin, got a complaint next door about your music, could you turn it down a bit, thanks BUD talk to ya later!

by ryfly May 2, 2008
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jefferson county sheriff

Pretty chills mountain police in Colorado who are very kind and often let you go but are hard core on and the people who actually commit crimes and actually do there job and not really do much traffic control.
hey brother! i'm from the jefferson county sheriff hows it goin, got a complaint next door about your music, could you turn it down a bit, thanks BUD talk to ya later!

by ryfly May 2, 2008
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Horny, perverted, men who are sort of mormon but use there made up amendment to Mormonism, who marry more than one women in sake of some made up religion who build big prison like compounds and force young 13 to 17 year olds to marry and have sex with them and brainwash there wives to think they are from the 1930's and to have no reality of life what so ever and that 13 year olds having sex with a 40yr old man with 7 wives is not bad in their brainwashed minds......

Simple answer- Horny Religious, Perverted Men who somehow are the masterminds of brainwashing women into thinking everything they say and do is ok and right
Hey Joanne, your marrying your 3rd uncle.

But i'm only 13 and he's already married to 6 women and he's 49

You have no choice dear. It's my choice and you have no rights what so ever in this compound and you are much less than anything on this earth so you have to do everything i say and since i say your a polygamist, you have to do as i say as i wrote the polygamist religion.

But DAD!!!

Too late, ceremony is in 1 hour.
by ryfly May 2, 2008
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mac screwed

In which you buy a iPod, Mac Computer, or Software in which 2 days later, apple announces a BIGGER and Better version, so you buy the better one and then a week later, Hey, heres the ipod with 20 more GB of memory!

Also, Apples way of playing CIA.
Bobby- "hey dude, so i saved up 6 months of pay, gave up my car, my girlfriend, food, shampoo, my big apartment and i finally got the MacPro Dual core!!!! YEAH BABY!!!"

Baylor - uhhh, well they just came out today with a quad core for half the price.....


Baylor- you got mac screwed !!! hahahaha At least windows gives me a 1 year heads up HAHAHA!!!
by ryfly May 2, 2008
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speeding ticket

a crime that requires

1. 10 Billion dollars per year in laser and radar guns
2. Over 500,000+ State Troopers nationwide in which all they do is pull people over for speeding and thats it
3. Insurance companies pay another 1 to 5 Billion in funding Police radar/laser and a excuse to raise insurance rates.

It is also a crime equal to jaywalking, or playing your music a little to loud aka a stupid small crime that is 2 Billion times enforce that EVERYONE in THE WORLD commits.

So all put together- A ticket written by a Cop (who has BIG EGO than to fight REAL CRIME) who finds speeding 15 over a HORRIBLE Crime and fines you 100 bucks and points on your license and over 400 dollars in increased insurance rates over the years in which SCREWS you for 3 to 5 years in insurance and points, and is the number one offense (175 million tickets are written each year) committed BY EVERYONE in the U.S. who pay there taxes, obey every single law, to get written up for a running pace to fast on a INTERSTATE that is in the MIDDLE OF KANSAS!!
175 million speeding tickets are written each year cause going 15 over is apparently A REALLY BAD HORRIBLE, THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO!!! Crime even though you obey every other LAW AND PAY every bit of TAX to be fucked by a speeding ticket that raises insurance rates by 10 to 20% and a screws you for 3 to 5 years cause you were speeding 15 over on a 10 mile straight stretch on a INTERSTATE in Kansas......

by ryfly May 4, 2008
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conifer colorado

Conifer is a town 40 Minutes into the Foothills from Denver were people move to get away from the city. It has beautiful mountain surroudings and scenery and crazy weather. It has a well established school system and a quickly developing commercial area. In the last 3 years it has gotten a new King Soopers and Safeway and a Chili's among other ridiculous stores.

The area is really diverse and full of people who don't want to be around other people, hence why they moved into the mountains. Also Full of mountain men with big beards, fat, and wear logging clothes to the local hot spots such a Chili's "oh baby" and sit at the bar for 5 hours and live in the middle of nowhere in small cabins.

The kids who live in this mountain community have absolutely nothing to do but do drugs and hang out at there local hot spot, the Conifer Safeway, Woohoo...... and also absolutely hate living up in mountains.

Conifer is also 20 minutes away from Bailey Colorado, home of Platte Canyon H.S. were a sick pervert molested and killed one girl.

The area also has a local favorite website, pinecam in which people have nothing better to do but rant and talk about the most stupidest stuff in the world, hence a 800 page response about voles. Hence, implying even more that the people up here have nothing to do.

Conifer also gets some sick 5 foot snowstorms and people GET real excited about it!

The police are very chill until you do something slightly wrong, then they woop ya. A few of them do way to much traffic control.

In short, Conifer, Colorado is a town full of people not wanting to be near other people and find Chili's and grocrey stores hot spots and have nothing better to do than live in the middle of the mountains, drive 40 mintues to get to anything and have absolutely nothing to do but respond 10,000 replies on a website about friggin mice and shoveling the 5 feet of snow that can dump here and they find it beautiful to live here.

HEY DUDE LETS go to the Conifer Colorado safeway!!!

by ryfly May 2, 2008
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radio reference

A site that contains every radio frequency of public safety and just about everything. Very helpful to scanner and radio enthusiast.

Forums are run by Dictator admins and most members are amateur radio geeks who have 10 to 50K of ridiculous radio equipment and spend as much time in a small room talking to other geeks over the airwaves. These admins delete and ridicule all newbies to another motha if they just slightly fuck with the most strictest of forum rules or post in the wrong section such as posting a comment about a scanner and a problem and then 40 members coming down on ya cause you posted in the general fourm, not the PSR-400 forum.. Most horrible site to post on unless you have 10K of radio equipment, but at least these geeks give you the radio frequencies to listen to police or your next door neighbors phone.
radio reference

"hey how does the Radio Shack 2096 do monitoring airplanes?"

Wrong forum!!!!!
YOUR HORRIBLE why did you post this in the general scanning forum and not the radio shack forum!! OMFG
by ryfly May 2, 2008
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