81 definitions by running out of patience

A combination of dog and cat loaves picked up in the yard and cooked over a campfire. The bowl weevils and roundworms really make this a tasty treat.
"I put the poop soup back in fido's butt, where it came from."
by running out of patience April 2, 2007
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These are usually semi-professional caucasian women that are overweight and always have stringy hair and work in administrative positions. They usually have blue eyes and put on a ton of makeup. The black man is extremely attracted to these sugar mamas, as they refer to them, because they make a lot of money in comparison to the welfare ho's they left behind. The sugar mamas themselves are equally attracted to the black man, due to some kind of unfinished business with their fathers.
It looks like Ellen has gotten to be sugar mama again. When that black temp. brought her back from lunch she was walking funny. Every time he goes back to work she keeps wiggling her crossed legs and grunting.
by running out of patience December 31, 2009
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When a republican comes back from a long lunch and stinks up the hallway when he drops a log in the restroom. They are so convinced they shit candy that they don't even notice. Then he wonders why his secretary doesn't want to polish his knob.
"Robert just got back from lunch. I can smell the stink wind already."
by running out of patience March 7, 2008
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A big, fat, uneducated, societal fungi that can't keep her legs crossed when on dates. They spew out children exactly every nine months, as there is always sperm present to fertilize the eggs.
"You had unprotected sex with that sloppy mommie? HA HA get ready to pay child support, idiot.
by running out of patience December 13, 2007
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People who are paranoid, delusional, uneducated, and covered with oozing chemical scabs and ulcers due to the acute abuse of methamphetamine. They eventually eat scabs from one another that contain the meth that their body can't dispose of, just to catch a cheap thrill. MMMMM....MMMMMMMMM!!!
I called the DEA the other day on those tweakers down the street.
by running out of patience December 14, 2007
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These guys are homophobic and are also terrified of antique shops. They are extremely concerned about being perceived as gay and they try to cover it up by standing with their arms crossed looking into space. Sometimes they whistle. If there are other homoantiqophobes in the store, they stand and talk about useless sports scores. It is fun to try to talk about antiques with them. They usually have NRA or NFL jerseys and caps on.
"Get a load of the homoantiqophobes over there. Watch this: "Hey, handsome, check out these lovely teacups and saucers." "Hey, I'm not gay. Okay?" Man, these guys must LOVE victoria's secret.
by running out of patience April 19, 2008
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These are either hot blondes that are trying to get daddy jealous, or else big, fat, stringy-haired sugar mamas that prefer the licorice stick to vanilla sausage. They don't mind the low-IQ, giant pants, stupid rims, and nappy heads of the African men they crave. The giant tar hose more than makes up for it. Who cares about "intelligent conversation"? That's just what they tell the white man. All that really matters to them is size.
"Where are the wite wimmen at?"
by running out of patience April 29, 2008
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