81 definitions by running out of patience

Once in a while, for whatever reason, a rectreational drug dealer, even the most reliable and friendly ones, will make the deal fall through on purpose. This is to let the customer know who is the boss, and is usually passive-aggressive. It really can be disappointing and frustrating.
Boy, I really got chumped today by my rock and roll doctor. He said he had some lebanese blond in hand, and he said it fell through after I drove for two hours to get it. Oh well, at least I have this swagg.
by running out of patience February 28, 2009
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To have your face pooped on by a really stupid rich idiot.
"I didn't realize I was going to get kobe'd just because Tyrone paid for the white castles. I would rather eat my chitlins."
by running out of patience July 19, 2008
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A place where you can flirt with underage trashy trailer-park girls, or have a young senorita beav you.
"Man, the hot buxom little mexican chick showed me her cooter at Walmart. The sap is flowin' continuously.
by running out of patience February 4, 2007
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Really sticking the wiener in deeply with a young virgin, who hasn't had her depths explored before.
Man! I want to explore her fathoms!!
by running out of patience December 14, 2007
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To rape someone using a big strap-on dildo.
Did you see that hottie in the Subaru? I want her to savage me.
by running out of patience January 31, 2007
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What post coital withdrawl looks like up close.
"Hey Margaret. What does THAT look like? I think it looks like your grandfather eating ice cream."
by running out of patience February 2, 2007
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These are mainly horrible white maggots that infest the garbage dumpsters and cans as soon as the temperature is 50 degrees in the spring. Sometimes weird black or grub worms will be mixed in. Big brothers love to traumatize their younger siblings by telling them stories of how they will eat them, before turning a wave of them toward their sibling with the garden hose. When the siblings get older, say adolescent age, they may burn and terrorize garbage worms with molotov cocktails and pipe bombs.
"Those little white worms will eat you if you let them." MOMMY! Timmy sicced a wave of garbage worms at me in the driveway!"
by running out of patience March 8, 2008
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