18 definitions by reformedpug


not second
he was there first
by reformedpug December 4, 2016
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I, referring to one's own self and not anyone else.
everybody has always wanted to go down on me don't imagine its just one person
by reformedpug December 4, 2016
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once i realized how beautiful she is i became speechless; she gets more and more and more beautiful every time i see her and so i live to see her shake it.
by reformedpug January 24, 2017
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are you p&d again?
by reformedpug December 2, 2016
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by reformedpug December 2, 2016
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sometimes a voice is very attractive to me
by reformedpug December 4, 2016
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to have eaten already
ya i ate her out till she came and then she begged me to fuk her so i put it in but only made it halfway in before i
by reformedpug December 1, 2016
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