45 definitions by omaR

When your ankles are as small as your wrists.
Yo dawg, my wrists are as big as your ankles... they are more like wrankles!
by omaR April 21, 2005
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a tie with the 2nd coolest in the whole wide world
shes no izzy but shes right there with c saw so she must be a SAH hamster
by omaR May 1, 2004
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Verbish. Telling someone how to say something or repeating what someone (the "you") has said.
If yousay,"Hi, how are you," it is a greeting. If yousay,"Goodbye," it means you are leaving.
by omaR September 29, 2003
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A person that is too average. (Wears khakis and polo shirts, doesn't talk much).
by omaR March 13, 2003
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To show extreme emotion in either happiness or shock. From the root word crazy with a "country grammar" accent.
Sometimes pronounced:"Coooazy!"
Yo Dwayne, that foo's got some twankies on his ride nig'.

Aah, fo sho, mayn dats' some cwazy shit.
by omaR March 31, 2004
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(1).When you are crumpin you are in a very chilled out mood.
(2).You partying or dancing to hip-hop music like mad, ludacris and obserd.
(1).Guy On The Phone #1: Ayo N**ga what you doin? Guy On The Phone #2: Juss Crumpin!

(2).Oh Shizzle dogg, look at dat yegga over therr crumpin!
by omaR August 23, 2004
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Person who eats Flaming Hot flavored Cheetos (normally at work).
You are nothing but a flamingos!
by omaR September 29, 2003
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