66 definitions by nethcev!

A timed multiple choice exam - which most people end up failing.
by nethcev! August 26, 2006
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Alcohol can be found in countless things that makes your day either better or worse.
by nethcev! August 21, 2006
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The most belligerent expression of political, spiritual or emotional conception known to man; art is literally transforming one's most inflamed personal sentiments and perceptions into a tangible creation, designed for no other purpose then the architect's own personal satisfaction. Anything else is a marketing scheme.
Renoir was an artist. Hugh Hefner is a salesman.
by nethcev! April 28, 2004
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A measuring stick for the depth of one’s heart.
A poem: "Handshake"

"He comes to shake my hand; locking my palm in a grip of iron. One can only wonder why he chooses to hold me so firmly; in what is such a powerful vice of muscle and flesh? Is it my hand he intends to crush with this brutal grasp? Or is it the aspirations he believes I still hold for his woman? Could it be more? Could he actually be so foolish as to think it even possible to crush my very love for her with only but his fingers? HA!! Such is the reasoning of this simple fool. Let me assure you my friend, both hands and more will break before that day!"
by nethcev! September 10, 2006
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1. An argument for the cause of the present.
2. The study of man’s previous disasters, taught to ensure that future generations will never make the embarrassing mistake of repeating them, but will instead set about making new and even more complicated blunders.
3. The study of catastrophic events and the assholes that caused them. While preparing for an historical exam, one should note that any individual mentioned in the assigned textbook who was responsible for the death of at least a quarter of a million people, is probably worth mentioning on the test.
History is in itself an example.
by nethcev! August 21, 2006
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A state of emotional being, characterized by the desire for one to be in another’s shoes. As apposed to “jealous”, which is an emotional state where one deems that if he/she cannot have Reebok, then all others must go barefoot.
"I'm truly envious of his situation."

by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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1. Reflections of how one PRECIEVES things really happened.
2. Personal or collective revisions.
I have very few fond memories
by nethcev! September 5, 2006
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