31 definitions by morgangills

A dire hour of over-the-hill thirty somethings persuading their equals in the real world that they have a chance of happiness and ever having sex again(when they don't).
Josh loves sex and the city more than his own mother
by morgangills November 9, 2004
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This term is handy for use when you feel the need to leave a certain area.

It often comes into use in the schooling environment, especially when a lesson ends and the students want to depart as quickly as is possible.
"I fucking hate Greenhalgh, ah bells gone, breeze out"
by morgangills November 19, 2004
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A term which is used in when shcoked or in awe or something.

A certain Josh Mills is fond of this term.
"Oh my days, BISCUITS"
by morgangills November 21, 2004
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Basically the fucking greatest band ever.

Mac daddies, the lot of them.
"The Pordigy kick serious willy"
by morgangills November 9, 2004
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Like your favourite band....but better.
"The Prodigy rule so hard it makes me orgasm.....in your mum's face"
by morgangills December 7, 2004
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Basically any dance music that James Morgan and Josh Mills believe to be fucking clown shoes.

In other words it is all the music that James Wilson likes apart from The Prodigy.
Tiesto can fuck off with his ambient hippy shit.
by morgangills November 15, 2004
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This term derives from the altogether less legendary and more American phrase kick ass. This British version was created by morgangills as he felt that there was no general term to describe something that he deems to be bloody amazing.
"Yes yes The Lion King does kick serious willy"
by morgangills December 1, 2004
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