
Wow, that guys a Big Mac

Huh? He’s a mac?
by MacXD January 10, 2018
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actually a word that indicates hood power of a gangster(specially afro-american), his command in crack dealing, slut management, he runs an entire industry related to local gangster crimes.
Mac daddy( a gang head), Mac thang (a firm of gangsters)
by tanan April 20, 2008
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To be awesome, or to be amazing.
You're quite a MAC after scoring that goal.
by TheGreatestWordsmith February 13, 2020
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Mac is a guy who is very caring and sweet. He is a huge flirt but when he is with a girl he isn’t very loyal. He is usually pretty tall with beautiful blue eyes. He has a great sense of humor and he loves to make other people laugh. He has a hard life but never shows it. He masks it over with a smile. ( with a beautiful smile. Like I’m not kidding the best smile ever ) he does get very jealous tho, but it’s really cute. He is strong and very handsome ... he won’t ever think twice before standing up in what he believes in if you ever come Across a Mac don’t leave him you will regret it.
by Unknown_person January 22, 2018
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To chill or link with someone
Let’s Mac?

That’s maccin

We maccin

Yo bro wyd?

I’m maccin at the crib.

He’s maccin crazy on em. (Homer in gif)
by keekaleak February 20, 2021
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Any of the overpriced computers built by Apple. Is it a coincidence that macs spelled backwards is scam?
That emperor who had no clothes also bought a mac.
by mayhaps November 7, 2010
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n. 1. anti-trendy trend. 2. source for smugness. See hybrid cars.

If one is looking for a piece of crap to try to help their image, and thus become smug, one should buy a Mac. Because no one sees a Mac user that doesn't try to show everyone that they own a Mac. However, there are a lot of people who buy Macs. In fact, it is a trend. Wait, aren't trends what Mac users seem to try to avoid? Then what's with this trend that they are following? Nice rebellion. Someone needs to create a new company to be an alternative to PCs and Macs, because Macs are a trend, so all those Mac users will have a new anti-trendy trend to follow.
I own a Mac, which makes me hip and not a follower of trends, which is the reason I am smug towards non-Mac users, even though many other people Mac users too, so it actually is a trend, which makes me a retard.
by Brad H.. December 13, 2006
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