134 definitions by mel

Term erroneously applied to oxycontin or other pain medications which are misused by certain individuals who use bad judgement thinking they will get 'high' from a medicine by misusing it against labeling instructions and better judgement instead causing death.
Even when hillbilly heroin is taken as as directed on the label and not altered in any way, you can still have an adverse reaction to it and end up toes up in the morgue.
by mel September 21, 2003
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description of one who is of the high, tight pants variety, and in the habit of using pocket protectors, among other nerd-affiliated objects. may come with pre-prepared lunch. definitly employs the use of tighty-whiteys. often found locked in bathrooms or stuffed in lockers. found in The Breakfast Club
the neo zoom maxi dweeb got a swirly, then ran away clutching his algebra book to his chest.
by mel February 1, 2005
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Suburban county of Maryland

One of the few counties where there's a ghetto area (Wheaton, Silver Spring), there's a rich-ass area (Bethesda, Potomac), and the boonies (Damascus, Poolesville) all crammed together.
by mel December 16, 2003
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Urban term for a faggy indecissive bipolar male.
What a Fagno!
Wheres that Fagno!
Your a Fagno?
by mel June 30, 2004
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A smaller computer with no room for anything on it, battery dies in 5minutes.
I'm going to bring my laptop on the airplane so I can watch movies.
by mel February 25, 2003
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A well-known avant-garde author, co-author of The Epic of Popes, Pinaples, Peni, and Prince Charles Being Carried Into the Abyss of My Lord," along with Fippleosa McDurfur and Tra-quee Squeebenhofen III.
I am a great admirer of the work of Beniquila Monsontra.
by mel May 21, 2005
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Extremely Sexy or Extremely Do-able
He is So Sexafiable
by mel December 21, 2003
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