17 definitions by mattpacer

When a man cums in an embarrassingly short amount of time.
Fran: So, how was that guy you took home last night?
Gemma: Don't ask, 30 seconds in and he was straight outta gatorade.
by mattpacer May 15, 2016
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The regretful feeling of a life wasted after finishing a 12 hour plus gaming sesh. Immediately followed by the need to play more games.
Steve: man Simon sounded down last night.
Chris: he'll be okay tomorrow when he logs back in, it's the only cure for game shame.
by mattpacer May 15, 2016
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The band of sisters to which all women belong. Girls who poop together stay together. Girls must attend the bathroom together, usually to poop.
Brad: why must women always make toilet together?
Tom: it's the poop troop
by mattpacer May 16, 2016
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The involuntarily contractions of the anus while waiting for penetration.
Greg: I love watching your rim twitch like that, it's so hot
Steph: I can't help it babe, I've got anal tremors
by mattpacer May 15, 2016
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Someone who has no geographic knowledge whatsoever.
Chad: dude, where is Spain? Africa?
Brad: you fucking geonoob.
by mattpacer May 16, 2016
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A horrible way to describe anything slightly wet.
Tim: I couldn't get that chick last night any more than mildly moist.
Ben: you got no game dude.
by mattpacer May 16, 2016
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A filthy smell. The product of not washing beneath the foreskin
Simon: oh babe do me a favour , go down...
Kim: No way Simon! I'm not going anywhere near that dick funk
by mattpacer May 16, 2016
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