190 definitions by luke

A dull piece of literature, oddly considered a classic. Flat characters with no real developement. The floor plan for what is now, and what was always intended to be, a franchise of epic proportions. Christians think it's evil.
Only soccer players, kids the ages of 8-14, and people who don't know fine literature read harry Potter.

I think it's great that little Satanist have something to read and learn about or dark lord, satan!
by luke July 20, 2004
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First punch the girl in the face till shes bleeding then spooge all over her face and then mix it around with your sauage patty.
While sal was eatting his wheatees, his roomate was wildly giving bizmarks out in the other room.
by luke February 18, 2005
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N., a person or being with cottage cheese thighs, frumpy hair, and no shoes or socks on their pudgy feet.
If Adam does not watch his weight, he will become a frumpalumpakus.
by luke January 15, 2004
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A type of stereotype male figure. Usually seen by others as a show-off or cool-guy-wannabe. Wears Hair from front to back and wears leather or jeans jackets.
Likes to verbaly or physically bully on people.
Oh, he's such a Llady (as in a bully)
by luke November 8, 2004
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The area on a human male just above the genitals, usually habitat of pubic hair. Used when having sexual intercourse
"I like 'em big and thick, with a nice big fat ass, y'know what I'm saying? That way you get that padded effect - when your raffle bangs against 'em."
by luke February 22, 2004
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Do I Look Like I Give A Shit
-I'm Pregnant
-Oh yeah, DILLIGAS.
by luke March 27, 2003
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Most criminal TOWN in Britain (3rd overall)
Manchester is 5TH!

Also, derogatory term for Rockport boots
Lock your doors when your going through Stockport!
Ey Stacey 'ow much were dem fake Stockports off market?
by luke May 23, 2006
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