88 definitions by holly

term from about the early '80s (prob a derivative of "brainer") describing someone in school who is extremely smart and gets high grades.

a browner can be (but not necessarily) a geek or a nerd.
"Edwin? oh yeah, he's definitely a browner...I think his lowest mark was a B+ !"
by holly August 31, 2004
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A youngin', one who knows very little but acts like they know it all. Basicallt used as in insult to those who have never grown up!
Paul is such a premie!
by holly March 8, 2005
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liquid human waste (urination) - aka pee

- opposite of thickie (shit)
"Where's the bathroom? I need to have a thinnie before I explode!"
by holly December 6, 2007
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overused and at times annoying response to what day of the week it happens to be
"Is it Wednesday today?"

"Yep, all day."
by holly August 11, 2004
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An australian man. Sexuality highly ambiguous.Fake pilot.Wears cropped trousers.Extremely annoying and confusing person.
He's so JE! I hate him Heather!
by holly March 30, 2004
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naming people you might possible know or have MAYBE associated with to brag to your friends that you know them, you stupid fucks.
yeah i know so and so from this band and so and so and i hung out .

stupid namedropping fags.
by holly February 7, 2004
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a prostitute, used in the movie 'dumb and dumber'--
harry says: "would you like some tea and crumpets??"
"man that chick is a nasty crumpet she's not worth the 50 cents that she charges"
by holly November 23, 2004
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