119 definitions by guido1

A very good smelling fart of your own creation that you share the aroma with your favorite person while lyao.
Dude, why are you rolling down the window, that was fartelicious.
by guido1 September 28, 2011
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A coined word hybridizing cyber cybernetics and phil (philo), Greek meaning loving. Basically meaning the love of all cool electronic comunication devices.
That kid has a computer, IPOD, PDA, I Phone, laptop, and a GPS, what a cyberphile.
by guido1 March 16, 2008
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When you get a cheesy auto dialed call telling you that your car warranty has expired, when you don't even own one.
I got robo dialed the other day, and screamed into the mouthpiece until I was disconnected, grrrr.
by guido1 May 16, 2009
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A term commonly used by someone who is planning to con money out of a friend, parent, or someone so deemed dumb enough to fall for the scam.
Dude, do you have any extra money, I gots to put gas in my car to get to school.
by guido1 August 23, 2009
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An extreme sport is usually defined as one that requires extreme levels of endurance, balance, skill, co-ordination; also, ballistic reaction timings, spacial orientation abilities, and massive amounts of oxygen assimilation. Extreme sports are dominated by youth, age range 6 to mid 30's. The first recognized extreme sports, were officially documented by the Post Office commissioning of a stamp series highlighting the first three: Skateboarding, Snowboarding, and BMX bike riding. Since that time, several others have been added to include, Inline Rollerblading and Motocross.
Skateboarding is consided an extreme sport.
by guido1 March 5, 2008
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Someone who mimics the actions of another, usually verbally. Origin in child's play where one child mimics another in real time, just to annoy. Can be used as an action verb, or as a noun for denotation.
I love the Tea Party, they are always mouthbotting each other, ha ... /sarc ...
by guido1 November 4, 2013
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Informal inflation index "voted upon" by "short" and "long" day-traders in global market. Roughly a measure of inflationary forces vs deflationary monetary assets. Some of the obvious indicators are called the Dow, Nasdaq, and the Standard and Poors. Calculated roughly as the inverse of the monetary symbol, as in the US, the dollar.
Stockflation has become the modern mantra for the illusion of wealth.
by guido1 September 19, 2008
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