20 definitions by greekmonkey

One who is dedicated to eradictating tobacco use in any way, shape or form and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. They started with restricting indoor smoking and are now attempting to ban smoking outdoors, in private homes, and even in art and literature "for the sake of the children."Once this is achieved, the niconazis will (and already are) turn on fast food as the next well funded corporate entity they can sack and bleed dry for, in their opinion making everyone obese. Although they masquerade as concerned citizens - niconazis are nothing more than compulsive micromanagers funded by the pharmaceutical industry to hook everyone on their "clean"
lifestyle management drugs.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rob Reiner are well-known niconazis.
by greekmonkey March 19, 2004
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AN HBO series about four sexually-liberated yet generally miserable NYC women.
Most soccer moms fantasize about being one of the sex and the city characters. I don't know why - their lives are just as boring and empty
by greekmonkey April 9, 2004
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A person whose stupidity and ignorance never fail to amaze you.
dad: how could you end up with a $10,000 credit card bill?
me: let me think, I go to strip clubs every night...
dad: (shaking his head) you're a real piece of work.
by greekmonkey March 10, 2005
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n. a man who services married/committed women i.e. the other guy. The original meaning derives from blues lingo and refers to the guy who comes in through the backdoor of the house, it has nothing to do with anal sex.
"I'm a backdoor man" - Jim Morrison
Once Liz is married, I'll continue to be her backdoor man
by greekmonkey October 12, 2004
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All the benefits of being in a relationship minus the bullshit like not doing enough for Valentine's Day or her birthday, not spending 3 months salary on a stupid ring, and not spending enough quality time with her.
The sex with Lisa is great but she's a pain in the ass - I wish we could just be fuck buddies and not boyfriend/girlfriend
by greekmonkey April 9, 2004
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plural - arhidia - balls
Mana: An kapniezes Niko, tha pethanies se ligo.
Mom - If you smoke - you will die young
Niko: Gia ti then grapsies st' arhidia mou!
Why don't you write it on my balls! ( I don't give a fuck!)
by greekmonkey March 19, 2004
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The way a snatch is supposed to be. Otherwise women would look like 5 year olds down there.
If she doesn't have a hairy snatch, she's got a nursery school bus to catch.
by greekmonkey March 17, 2004
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