142 definitions by frabrizio

Average woman: Hillary Clinton is a meanie.
Intelligent woman: Go away.

by frabrizio August 8, 2017
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What immature people call you when you're mean to them
by frabrizio July 28, 2017
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What little kids call us when we're not nice to them
Donald Trump is such a meanie poo!
by frabrizio August 4, 2017
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What little kids call us when we're not nice to them
Donald Trump is a meanie poo!
by frabrizio August 4, 2017
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1. to interrupt someone while they're talking

2. to cut in front of someone on the road
Guy: (being dragged by the police) He cut me off!
Cop: Cutting someone off isn't a crime!
Guy: No, the other kind of cut me off!

Cutting someone off is only a crime if it's on the road.
by frabrizio December 18, 2017
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