19 definitions by esmith512
A recent type of mortgages given to those with no apparent means and little to no chance of rendering repayment. NINJA is an acronym referring to the borrower as having No Income No Job or Assets.
The housing bubble was greatly helped by financially suicidal bankers issuing NINJA loans like candy to anyone who could fog a mirror!
by esmith512 January 16, 2008
by esmith512 November 27, 2007
The act of a self-deluded sucker. Self-destructive self-sacrifice in favor of those seeking to exploit or destroy the practioner. Self-debasement to those seeking exploitive profit and lack of due recriprocation. Often stupidly misconstrued by those practicing as honorable or altuistic.
Many travesties of justice, self-destruction, and the concealment and promotion of evil have come from the chivalry of fools.
by esmith512 January 21, 2008
The Mac OS pointer icon of a colorful spinning wheel indicating the program currently under the mouse pointer is no longer responding. Called the beachball of death if the program never recovers or causes the operating system to become so busy (usually due to insufficient memory) that nothing else responds.
by esmith512 December 20, 2007
A political buzzphrase used as a rhetorical talking-point in a power-grabbing or liberty-destroying attempt to diminish or subvert the civil libertarian, responsible, and democratic character of a community, group, or society.
The honoring of civil liberty, presumption of innocence and good faith, privacy, and freedom of speech and expression cannot be tolerated because we live in a post 9/11 world.
by esmith512 September 12, 2007
A baseless and insulting pseudo-justification for an unqualifiable, destructively irrational, frequently stupid, and nearly psychotically paranoid assumption of the mass culpability and inheirently evil, antisocial character of an entire community, group, society, or world.
Everyone everywhere is assumed to be crazy and evil and must be inspected and watched at all times, with any suspicions real or imagined reported immediately because we live in a post 9/11 world!
by esmith512 September 12, 2007
A highly subjective interpretation of something real, imagined, or interpreted as being demeaning; very often the use of complaint to attack someone while paradoxically assuming both authority and victimhood; the use of complaint as a sociopolitical weapon or vehicle to often unmerited benefit, privilege, or compensation.
Their being offended is deeply and inheirently offensive to me! I demand you recognize my victimhood and give me what I want now!
by esmith512 November 6, 2007