202 definitions by dude

1. someone who doesnt hav any sense and is looks hammered most of the time
2. A loser
Drew, your a shitpuss.
by dude March 20, 2005
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A marketing ploy targeting the 13-17 demographic, in which ordinary commodities are presented to our unwitting youth as "crazy" and/or "totally awesome!" when in fact they are just pumped full of blue and red dyes and packaged in shiny bags.
Dude, want some of my X-treme potato chips? No, you fucking retard.
by dude April 11, 2004
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power usully personal power
Trong is lame has no powah!
by dude April 10, 2003
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Fat Essex bloke who eats many pies. Rides a fat motorbike, and also a dog called jasper. Tries to go running once a year, but is usually put-off by the prospect of half a chicken with curry sauce from the chippy. Has the ability to look at two people at the same time although they're standing 15m apart.
"Why haven't u got any pies left?"
"Taff came in earlier for a light snack. You'll have to go to Mongolia to find a pie shop that he hasn't raided."
by dude January 29, 2004
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Dainty, pretty, or otherwise effeminate.
"Isn't he so cute?"
"Shut the fuck up, bitch."
by dude February 19, 2003
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Having sex on a jet that is at least in mach 2.
I was in the air force, and I took this chick on my jet, and after we had sex I officially became a member of the mach 2 club.
by dude June 22, 2003
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"Excusey moi french dude, like je voudrais un preservatif..." * if a girl blush and look tres embarassed, if a guy shrug shoulders and look macho in international guy-gesture for "im getting some tonight" *
by dude October 21, 2003
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