687 definitions by dan

A division split up between the rich kids and the poor kids.
One word sums this hell hole up: Sluts n' Hoes. Come here if you like cheap pot and cheap women. Teen pregnancy is 30% of the population there. Note: preps WILL be stomped on.unless you play football. then you are basically glorified, and all the hoes n' sluts want you. freshman guys: good luck getting girls, cause they wont look at you if you dont have a car, which you dont unless you failed like half the people in your grade. Have fun. and if you are white, make sure you are wigger or skater, unless your a prep who plays football. then you might be ok.
hi, im john i just moved here. do you like my khakis from Abercrombie?
guy: do you play football(yo)
John: no
by dan November 17, 2004
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The funniest word that has ever existed. Impossible to say and not laugh.
by dan December 23, 2003
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the act of shoving a penis into a butt hole
mum, me and alex have been buggering each other
by dan July 30, 2003
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That which is so filthy it is hella dope
Did you see that movie Jaws? That was crab infested
by dan March 20, 2004
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A bogel is a Malaysian spambot.

The spambots appear in irc chatrooms, paste a line of text and then leave. The text is usually in Malaysian and includes a line of text and a link to a webpage supposedly offering porn. The text in their message almost always contains the word 'bogel'. This is where the spambots get their name.

Anyone who visits their webpage and downloads the .zip file, opens it and clicks on the .exe file inside will get a hidden copy of mirc installed in their system folder which turns them into a spambot without theit knowledge.

Bogel is also the Malaysian word for 'naked'.
05:14 *** Bee_blind (sbzi@210.186.110.JM228=) has joined #tommyboyd
05:14 <Bee_blind> weii korang semua jom tgk gambar blue free!! masuk sini --> www.(edited).com/pelajar-smk-beromen takpun masuk ni www.(edited).com/latestbogel
05:14 -Bee_blind:#tommyboyd- Download video clips datin secara percuma di www.(edited).com/latestbogel
05:14 *** Bee_blind (sbzi@210.186.110.JM228=) has left #tommyboyd
05:14 <SimonApe> bogel!
05:14 <LaaLaa> bogel
05:14 <|Queen|> Yay! Bogel!
by dan February 20, 2005
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An egg and cheese sandwich from McDonalds, usually with interchangeable sausage or bacon patty.
by dan September 29, 2003
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