15 definitions by connorsji

Detective Connors: "This was clearly a case of hummuscide."

Distraught Wife: "I know he was murdered!"

Detective Connors: "No, you stupid twit. He ate the hummus you made. Look at the crap you put in there! You killed him!"
by connorsji January 18, 2010
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a girl that you would have sex with but never enter into a full-fledged relationship with

You have to slay a couple of dragons before you find your princess!
in business terms: in HR- A benefits specialist with no hope of promotion

Matt: "Joe, you slay that dragon yet?"
Joe: "No dude, she wants to be my girlfriend!"

Hey, you want to go dragon slaying tonight?
No, I already slew one today and then threw her out!
by connorsji January 22, 2009
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A Rip Van Shtinkel is when someone farts so badly while they are asleep that the sound and odor wake them up.
Dave pulled off such a bad Rip Van Shtinkel that no only did it wake him up, it also woke up his wife and his two cats.
by connorsji December 23, 2009
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Father Cahill had a boycott in the rectory and slept like a baby. Meow!
by connorsji May 1, 2009
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"What the hell did you eat? That was the grossest shurp I have ever smelled! Did you have beets and cottage cheese?"
by connorsji January 16, 2009
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what one shoots into a urinal after they masturbate in a company bathroom
The secretary looked so good that I had to go blow a penile loogie in the bathroom
by connorsji May 8, 2008
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Diane: "You can't spend your money from the grave, Dave."

Dave: "No you can't, so I'll spend it before I go!"

Diane: "What, you gonna buy some hookers?"

Dave: "No, spookers."

Diane: "What are spookers?"

Dave: "Dead hookers. They'll give me a nice boo job!"
by connorsji January 22, 2010
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