435 definitions by ben

the water in the ocean, especially around carribean coral areas.
the water where cruise ships dump their waste
by ben January 2, 2004
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She's such a din she left the oven on for all day
by ben February 25, 2004
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Hot damn! The beers here are $10! That's pretty pricey.
by ben June 17, 2004
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Following a visit from the f*@k up fairy, usually caused by employing numpties or calfhead, those responsible for inspection and quality may discover that something is not quite how it should be. Upon discovery it is the decent thing to exclaim oh oh spaghetti ohs to alert your colleagues to the fact there is a problem. This is not to help solve the problem but to help point who is the biggest numpty. If these oh oh spaghetti ohs are not spotted the product will be sent out not completely ready.
"oh oh spaghetti oh!, youv'e c@*ked it up!"
by ben September 19, 2003
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Burnley- the true art of football and one of mainfounders, if it wern't for this team/town there would be no such thing as football. so thank you Burnley for bringing us this superb game.
Blackburn's subs are worth more than Burnleys full team and still they cant maintain a comfortable position in the premiership their fore are completely utter bollocks
by ben April 20, 2005
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Any large means of transportation inhibited by intoxicated females. Can also be used when a group of females walk by.
Back to the S.S. Slut Wagon. (SAS S98)
by ben April 7, 2003
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