19 definitions by badwsky

A burnt-out hippie from the early 70s. A late-starter, acid tripping dude or chick into the planetary signals and vibes of the Zodiac and their horoscope readings.
Joey, check out that smelly bum with the mandolin sitting on the station with that purple headband. He looks like my dad's friend from the Age of Aquarius. To tell ya the truth Mike, he looks more like he's from the Aged of Aquarius!
by badwsky February 5, 2010
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One who is caught off guard, and goes into shock when asked a question under pressure and just freezes up staring straight ahead. Refers to specially-seated, paralyzed character in an early episode of Star Trek who was motionless, jaw slacked and could only communicate via flashing lights with a yes or no.
Can be contracted to Piked-up or Pike with a capital P out of respect.

Joe was asked why they should spend 30 million on our project design and not theirs and he just gave us a Captain Christopher Pike for what seemed like forever.
Man that dude just Piked-up on me with nutin' ta say.
by badwsky February 7, 2009
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1) The skill of avoiding eye contact with another person that you want to think you did not see.

2) The ability to not stare at a disfigured part of a person's body.

3) The willpower honed skill to keep from staring at a woman's bountiful breasts while speaking to her.
1) I didn't want to speak to Josey as she walked by, at the mall, so I turned on my avert-o-vision even though I know she saw me.

2) Dom's hand was burned to a nub, so I had to avert-o-vision the whole situation when he started to zip up his jacket because last time he got mad when I tried to help.

3) I was talking to my real estate agent about the home's features so I had to turn the old avert-o-vision on full blast when she kept leaning over the table to me, almost bursting out, while she shuffled through the listing papers.
by badwsky February 10, 2010
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One who is constantly complaining about capitalism yet carries a credit card.
Ignazio supports the cause, but like any Chevisa, he owes 4,500 filthy American dollars to those plastic whores!
by badwsky February 10, 2010
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A guy who is often observed to be thinking with his dick in any given situation or a guy who switches into a lusty, lewd, crude and foolish person A man in that mode can also be quite rude. They tend to zone onto the female person or persons of interest, to the exclusion of all others.
Dude, you brother could be taking to mom while he's checking out the talent on the street as if he's eternally in some penal mode! Whenever Valencia walks by we all become invisible when he switches into that penal mode shit, acting like some crass fool! Tell him to snap out of it man and give us and her some respect!
by badwsky February 5, 2010
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Moving around a bar or a party, paying attention to a woman then making an excuse to work oneself away, with the promise of returning, only to move on to doing the same with another woman, and another as many times as time allows.
Look a Thomas work that room: He must be kiting as many as eight chicks at a time. Ha, you must have heard him call that chick kiting! What do you expect from a banker dealing with checks all day?
by badwsky February 5, 2010
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The condition that occurs from a women having to many blond girlfriends, causing her to become as dumb and vapid as they are.
I thing Vicky has developed blondicitus by doing happy hour shots every night with that blond Barbie doll secretary pool.
by badwsky February 10, 2010
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