127 definitions by Westfalia

An object that is adhered to a crooked dick in hopes to make it straight.
Foreigner: "Dude my cock is crooked. But, it bends upward so maybe thats how I hit the G spot so wel!"

Duder: "No dude, that's fucked up. You need to get a cack brace on them shits."
by Westfalia January 19, 2010
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A burly lesbian that loves boxing and bad tattoos.
Duder 1: "Whoa dude look at that big lesbian work that punching bag."

Duder 2: "Yeah man she's totally a dyke tyson."
by Westfalia December 13, 2009
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A canine that has a look on his face of utter despair. Each time you look a suicidal dog in the eyes it makes you wonder if the dog's ever going to try to commit suicide.
Duder 1: "What the hell is wrong with your beagle dude? He looks like he wants to kill himself."

Duder 2: "I know man, he always looks like that."

Duder 1: "You got yourself a suicidal dog for sure. Make sure you don't give him any rope to play with."
by Westfalia January 4, 2010
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The people you invite (usually your best friends) to one of your family get togethers who end up making an ass out of you and ruining the party.
Duder: "What are you doing with that squirt gun?"

Crasher 1: "You're uncle is going down son!"

Crasher 2: "Oh my god dude! You hit him right in the face while he was talking! Run dude run!"

Duder: "Shit guys, get the hell out of here quick. He grabbed some baked beans. I think he's gonna pour them on your car!"

Crasher 2: "Can't believe u had the balls to do that dude."

Crasher 1: "I know, are we the best family get together crashers or what?"
by Westfalia January 13, 2010
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A term that used when a large amount of grenades are thrown and explode at one time. Most commonly used while playing video games online.
Duder 1: "Damn dude they comin' on strong."

Duder 2: "Oh shit! Hella nades son! Crouch! Crouch!"

Duder 1: "Damn dude, I died."
by Westfalia December 21, 2009
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The olympics of pooping competitions. Games include: seeing who can poo the most times in one day, seeing who can poo the most by mass in one day and seeing who can clog the toilet the most times in one day. The poolympics typically contain 2-4 male 'athletes'.
Duder 1: "You ready for some poolympics dude?"

Duer 2: "Yea, what you wanna do? How about seeing who can clog the shitter the most today?"

Duder 1: "Sounds good to me! I downed 4 burritos last night, just in case you wanted to play."
by Westfalia December 29, 2010
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When a fine brizzle, most commonly your girlfriend, turns down your offer to be one of the hot girls in your upcoming rap video.
Duder 1: "Shit dude! My girl says she won't be the bitch giving me a massage in our video. She says it's degrading."

Duder 2: "Damn dude, that's a shitty vide-ho rejection. Guess we'll just have to get a finer brizzle to do it. She can't say you didn't offer!"

Duder 1: "Yea doggy, this video is going to be the shit! I'm gettin a happy ending!"
by Westfalia January 20, 2010
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