127 definitions by westfalia

An alternate term for going down on a girl. Most commonly used when talking to others in a public place.
Duder 1: "I can't believe you took that fat girl home last night? Did you preheat the oven?"

Duder 2: "Oh you know it dude. It was sweet like honey."

Duder 1: "Wow man that's so dope."
by westfalia December 11, 2009
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Used to convey a feeling of disgust or sickness. It is most commonly used as a sound effect for someone throwing up. Variations include 'BUHgaggle' which adds a powerful emphasis to your disgust and 'blaggly' which describes something disgusting.
Dude 1: "Last night while I was fucking that girl from the club I couldn't see my dick because her stomach rolls were covering it."

Dude 2: "Oh my god! Blaggle!"

Dude 1: "Whatever man she's so hot."

Dude 2: "I've never seen anything more blaggly in my life dude, sorry."
by westfalia December 10, 2009
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Duder 1: "Oh you're Italian for real? Damn dude it must be pretty big then."

Duder 2: "Oh you know it. It's like 9 inches doggy."

Duder 1: "Oh snap! You straight up horsecock johnson!"

Duder 2: "I love you Americans."
by westfalia January 13, 2010
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A sexual encounter that is over the top and extremely memorable for any number of reasons.
Duder 1: "Yo dude did you see the girl I went home with last night?"

Duder 2: "Yeah boi! She was so hot."

Duder 1: "Well anyway, I get to her place and we start making out. Then, her roommate comes home, who is f*cking smoking hot by the way, and she joins in! I railed both those sweet asses for like 3 hours!"

Duder 2: "Holy shit! That's one epic fuck doggy! I bet that'll be #1 in your spank bank for a long time."
by westfalia October 6, 2010
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The last few get togethers before your buddy moves away.
Duder 1: "Sorry brosephs Chelsea got the job so we are moving in a couple of weeks son."

Duder 2: "DAMMNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!"

Duder 3: "Dudes we have to start our final kick-its this weekend. And your ass betta come visit like erryweekend, or at least once a month."

Duder 1: "Sorry guys, I feel so ashamed. I'm gonna miss you guys BIGTIME yo."
by westfalia March 10, 2010
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An invitation to an event that ends up being a hoax. The most common trick invite involves a new foreign kid being summoned to meet up after school only to find himself all alone.
Duder 1: "Yo Italian dude! Soccer today?"

Italian Kid: "Oh yes-a, of-a course! I be there!"

Duder 2: "Ha ha you're such a dick dude. That was a trick invite wasn't it?"

Duder 1: "Fuck yea. He's been falling for it for the past 4 weeks!"
by westfalia January 11, 2010
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A friend or acquaintance that works inside a big corporation and is willing to give you sensitive information.
Duder 1: "Oh snap! You can look up the CEO's email? What is it?"

Duder 2: "Let me check.......ok got it. It's bill.lumbergh@initech.com."

Duder 1: "Sweet! I'm gonna go sign him up for some penis enhancements and post that shit on FaceBook. Thanks for being my corporate insider."
by westfalia January 28, 2010
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