43 definitions by The Fairy Sesh Mother

aj, not quite a relationship but more than flirting.
v, when you don't want a relationship but you need more than flirting.
Flirty Touch
Jo and her lover had a flirtationship because they are friends & more.
Jo and her lover would flirt & take it to second base with no ties or strings. Flirtationship

by The Fairy Sesh Mother August 31, 2018
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ph, A phrase used as an endearing term for a sexual fetish for r*pe play.

A sexual fetish for those who like to use a less aggressive sounding name than "r*pe play," a slightly less intimidating term used to cause less fear around a sexual fetish which is completely consensual between parties involved.
Lee sent Jojo a text asking if she was going to visit that night.

Lee: "Jojo do you fancy coming over for a struggle snuggle tonight?"

Jojo: "hell yeah! Come pick me up!"

Lee: "Be there at 7.30pm!"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother October 26, 2020
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v, a verb to describe the act of fucking someone who is clearly asleep in perhaps a drunken stupor. If a guy sticks his 9 inches of midnight man meat in a woman's steak beak while she sleeps he's had a secret sex sesh
Dan slipped his dick in joline while she slept.

He has a secret sex sesh, she thought she had a wet dream....
by The Fairy Sesh Mother August 19, 2021
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n; noun used to describe a bus driver who can't drive
the bus driver was a cocksplat he couldn't drive a nail home with a hammer never mind drive a bus

Mark got off the bus to Walk home cause the driver was a Cocksplat
by The Fairy Sesh Mother February 20, 2020
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Some people are trysexual as their sexuality like Jojo who was a trysexual she would try anything sexual at least once
Jojo "Im trysexual il try anything sexual once
Callum "I’m straight I only try woman"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother November 16, 2022
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d; Descriptive word. Gingerism is a derogatory word used to describe someone who has ginger hair. If you call someone a ginger to slag them off for their hair colour, you are guilty of Gingerism.
Be kind to gingers.
Tam stopped Jo in the high street to point out a red head & said "look at that ginger guy, gingers have no soul." Tam was guilty of Gingerism.

Tam is a gingerphobe, hes guilty of gingerism.
by The Fairy Sesh Mother May 11, 2019
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n, Noun used to describe the shrivelled up, unused cock most men have due to social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Steve: I have Corona Cock, I can't get sex for 12 weeks!

John: I have Corona Cock too mate, I'm ripping the head off it!

Steve: You & me both!
by The Fairy Sesh Mother March 29, 2020
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