43 definitions by The Fairy Sesh Mother

v, verb usee to describe the combination of 2 drugs cocaine & ketamine the feeling can only be described as trippy as fuck!
Cheryl "Jo get the cokamine out"

Jo "Sure thing soul sista"

Jordan "Im gonna wipe my arse with a paki"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother May 16, 2022
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A guy who slaps a womans pussy during sex like he's slapping his last £10 on a football coupon in the bookies
Steven slapped Helenas pussy during sex - he was a fud whacker
by The Fairy Sesh Mother December 6, 2019
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n, a noun for the aftershave that can only be found in the country of Israel. Jadore Lior is a scent by the famous Jewish journalist Lior Stein.
Shaun bought Lior a gift.

Shaun "Lior i have a gift for you its a 100ml bottle of Jadore Lior

Lior "Omg Shaun your too kind! Thanks so much!
by The Fairy Sesh Mother May 22, 2021
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V, verb used to describe a meal for the night shift worker who eats at 2-3am.

That midnight meal for the midnight muncher.

The meal that isn't quite dinner but too early for a conventional breakfast.

Dinnfest, the late night meal for the night owl.
Tam: "Jo can you buy me a microwave Vindaloo I'm going to eat it for Dinnfest tonight please, I'm working the night shift"

Jo: "Do you want chicken or beef vindaloo for your dinnfest?"

Tam: "Beef please"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother December 19, 2019
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A phrase used by a man who is about to shoot his load all over his woman's face in the heat of passion. A head shot can either be left on her face as a gift of sexual gratification or deposited in her mouth like unborn baby food.
Damion & Jo were at it like rabbits in the spring.

Damion: "Oh baby im going to give you a head shot"

Jo: "aim shoot & score baby!"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother June 3, 2021
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n, The type of idiot who likes to report other peoples posts on social media for attention of site admin cause they don't agree.

A twatburger reported the posts in the Metal Heads Forever group & site admin removed the post for breeching the site standards.
Sparky got a notification to say another post has been reported. Sparky saw the twatburger was depressed for attention.

Sparky: "Jojo look another twat burger in the group - i blocked his ass!"

Jojo: this group is getting bad for attention seeking snowflakes!"

Sparky: "yeah twatburgers are everywhere!"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother October 26, 2020
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ph; Phrase to describe mutal consent to partake in a gang bang.

They all granted a Consensual Consensus before the gang bang started.
Sarah agreed to take part in a Consensual Consensus before the gang bang started.

The 6 men involved also gave Consensual Consensus.
by The Fairy Sesh Mother February 8, 2020
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