538 definitions by TOm

a device that can supposebly disrupt aintire area code like the whole downtown chicago area
dont try to instal a blotto box because it would be a federal offense
by TOm March 21, 2005
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Visiting or going to. Popular amongst the feminine population
Oh Jem, We're doing the gym tomorrow!
by TOm May 2, 2003
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A rude boy with very bad taste in clothes and music.
Yooooooooooooooh Gilbatron you rude boy
by TOm January 5, 2005
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a person who works hard for a living or hard at school but dosen't display it
yo he act like a dumb bastard but you seen his grades, maan dat fool a squirral
by TOm November 11, 2003
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An otherwise cute person pretending to be an asshole.
"Claire, stop being such a grumble pants"
by TOm December 26, 2005
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SysRq is one of the greatest mysteries of all time. SysRq used to have it's own key, but now it has been forced into sharing with Print Screen. SysRq is bitter because of this, and many fondue sets have been tarnished due to SysRq's poor attempts to curry the favour of it's fellow victims Pause Break and Scroll Lock. SysRq is currently working on a novel, however since it has no hands, progress has been slow.
by TOm October 14, 2004
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slightly better than fabulous, e.g the smae as exelent
that coat is fandabilous
by TOm March 23, 2005
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