538 definitions by tom

1. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: geeve about the sufferings of others
2. Having no marked feeling for or against: She geeved about their proposal
3. Not mattering one way or the other: I geeve which outfit you choose
4. Characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased: a geeving moderator
5. Not active or involved; neutral: guests of this site geeve
One who "geeve"s; Often heard to utter the word "meh", type *shrugs shoulders.
by tom February 26, 2003
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A subjective term used by basketball bloggers that is based on a player’s court awareness, anticipation, defense, and offense, but is mostly used as a backhanded insult about the player’s intelligence.
Although they are the tallest dogs in the world, Great Danes have the lowest Basketball IQ of all canines, due to their high probability of having undescended testicles.
by tom December 22, 2008
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The exchange of conversation between two individuals.
by tom November 18, 2004
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A phrase of exclamation used by dizzy teenage girls, fruity teenage boys or americans.
Like hello sister! That is like so uncool!
by tom May 2, 2003
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Morte is an irc addict.
OMG that dude is like 24/7 on irc. He is really a Morte
by tom January 3, 2004
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1. Pertaining to the nutsack
2. Extremely spectacular

Usually used sarcastically
to express disapproval
Econ class was just nutsacular today. That teacher's lisp could not have been more annoying.
by tom April 4, 2005
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