54 definitions by Stan

the television station that is responsible for the genocide of good music
if all you play on your station is rap, shitty bands such as good charlotte, celebrity shows, and a show about two idiotic celebrities who happen to be married, you can't really classify yourself as "music" television
by Stan February 23, 2005
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He pissed us off, so we rolled his yard last night.
by Stan March 16, 2004
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Noun used to describe someone who you are banging, in the stage before she is your legitimate girlfriend
"Oh Hi guys, I hope you don't mind that I brought my um...friend Ursula to our poker night"
by Stan July 27, 2004
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a crappy emo band with terrible lyrics, terrible music, and terrible fans
my brain will explode if i listen to anymore of this shit

douche bag music
by Stan January 31, 2005
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the disneyland of mexican resturants and you can get refried beans!
casa bonita awsome!
"casa bonita casa bonita enchilada momasita"
by Stan March 23, 2005
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