54 definitions by Stan
by Stan March 16, 2004
a female sexual partner who does not physically particapate much in the act of sex. Basically, just lays there like a log
by Stan April 4, 2005
a glass of juice who thinks it is ok to just bust into people's homes while they are minding their own business
by Stan February 16, 2005
by Stan March 15, 2004
A city sport played against a wall with you hards. Probably one of the oldest and greatest games. Played in the U.S. and Ireland, in U.S. mostly in New York City.
by Stan June 14, 2003
To dominate or harass (one's husband) with persistent nagging.
To find fault with constantly: carp at, fuss at, nag, peck at, pick.
To find fault with constantly: carp at, fuss at, nag, peck at, pick.
Stan decided to stay late at the office in an effort to decrease the amount of henpecking he would undoubtedly experience at home
by Stan July 15, 2005
by Stan March 15, 2004