157 definitions by Simon

I saw Simon in the showers at school and he was hung like a newt. bigdickfuck my ass.
by Simon April 2, 2003
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A person who like to felate goats after he has spray painted them and put on a of panties stolen from a 13 year old girls. Also like to have sex with dogs, preferably anal.
Grant's alternate lifestlye can be refered to as Elroy in nature.
by Simon March 26, 2003
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One who listens to brutal extreme grind music very loud.
Simon is so heavily into the metal scene that he is a Grindfucker.
by Simon February 7, 2004
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Abbreviation for whatever. Used perhaps because the keys are in that order on the keyboard.
- Dude i'm going to get to see my dad i met only when I was born.
- wer. im sleeping
by Simon July 1, 2006
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Simon likes to take it up the batthole in Northbridge
by Simon August 28, 2003
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A game involving a small ball, of around tennis ball size. Invented in breaktime by myself. Couldn't think of a name so just gave it a random one. You just throw the a ball around a room, without getting up from your seat. (So the person can catch it) if they don't catch it they are deemed 'THE CUNT' and are so until someone else recieves the name. If the ball is thrown so the reciever can't catch it, the thrower becomes 'THE CUNT'. it is fun, and causes a lot of damage.
by Simon October 11, 2004
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