22 definitions by Scott Trowbridge

An insulting term for sexual intercourse. Used by Shakespear in Othello.
Roomate: Oh crap dude! We need some kind of signal like a sock on the doorknob or something. I cant believe I walked in on you and your girl making the double backed monster.
by Scott Trowbridge June 9, 2006
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A regular person. Often but not necessarily with a slightly negative connotation. Etymologically related to "Average Joe" and "Schmo" a Yiddish word for idiot.
I'm scared as hell of becoming some Joe Schmo, watching football, drinking beer that my fat wife brings me, and blaming my farts on my dog.
by Scott Trowbridge June 9, 2006
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Someone you knew growing up. In other words, everyone knew someone named Ray Ray when they were a kid. If you did not ask your old friends if they remember "Ray Ray" and then will probably tell you it was "so and so's little brother"
Ray Ray! are you gonna past that shit or what!?
by Scott Trowbridge June 9, 2006
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adv. - something done partially, incompletely, or unenthusiastically. The adverb form of half assed.
I told you to clean your room thoroughly, meaning not half assedly.
by Scott Trowbridge June 9, 2006
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Gaming: The state of being an alt-addict; someone who has more than a reasonable number of 'alts' (alternative characters) in a game.
Generic Global Name1 including the word Lord: Hai, sup? lol ur lvl 10?1!!
Generic Global name2 including the word mistress: yar, I'm a seerius altiholic.
by Scott Trowbridge August 7, 2008
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Broadly, a person who gathers evidence about how an inanimate object that resembles a human died. Generally, one who investigates how a doll or stuffed animal was murdered.
news reporter: Sources today reported that Billy's teddy bear was found decapitated in his bedroom. The authorities have sent a forensic anthropomophologist to look for clues.
by Scott Trowbridge July 8, 2006
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Once upon a time white people played a game called shuffle board at racially segregated country clubs. When most country clubs became desegregated, the white people stopped playing the game because it was too embarrassing for anyone outside their imagined aristocracy to know about.
Hubert: Mildred would you like to play some shuffleboard.
Mildred: That would be swell Hubert.
by Scott Trowbridge June 9, 2006
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