60 definitions by Roger

A great country, one of the best countries to live in.

Who cares about who is better. The United States and Canada are both great countries. Anyone who uses those stupid stereotypes should be taken out in the street and shot at.
The whole Canada vs. America shit is stupid, get a life.
by Roger September 3, 2003
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a guy that is real cocky and who thinks he's "too hot to handle" but in actuallity is just a big pussy that still sucks on his mommy's tits
kevin is such a fantastic coward cause he thinks he can play ball but was too scared to try out for the basketball team cause everyone was bigger than him
by Roger February 23, 2005
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The girl in the office everyone has had sex with. Syn: Cum Glove
I porked the Jizz Mitt last night, but dont tell anyone, so did larry.
by Roger October 17, 2003
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A snuggle with "extras" AS used in an episode of "The Simpsons"
Homer and Madge are in bed. Madge looks loving and says "Let's Snoggle"
by Roger December 7, 2004
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A person who lives like a rat, dirty, skavanges for food and drinks, gets wasted a lot.
That Sarah, she's a farking tip rat!

What a tip rat!
by Roger August 24, 2007
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1. Commanding officer of the "Butt Pirate Navy" (1994-present).
2. A gay male who has a flat spot on his head to rest your drink while he gives you a hummer.
(also "Rear Admiral Perry")
All sailors of the Butt Pirate Navy were assembled for a demonstration by Admiral Perry on proper fudge packing.
by Roger February 26, 2003
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