128 definitions by Rick

A german philosopher and satirist who stood against the institutions of the church and state at a time when it was dangerous to do so.

His famous concept,"God is dead" is usually misreferenced as meaning he believed god truly was physically dead. In reality, he believed in a god, merely that man's relation to god, and the tools man used to relate to god were dead. In other words, he said the institution of the church has killed the god within man; man's faith in god.
"...they know nothing of great accomplishment, great failure"
-Nietzche's Thus Spake Zarathustra
by Rick January 29, 2004
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The University of Georgia located in Athens, GA where female undergraduates outnumber male undergraduates almost two to one!
If you can't get laid at UGA, you're a total fucking loser.
by Rick August 8, 2003
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(1)manufacturer of the "Decrepit", a full-size sedan notorious for making more road noise than a go cart, cheap ass plastic that breaks during standard use, eats brake pads and linings like they were marshmallows.
(2) see "Check Engine".
If you want to get to know your car repairman on a first-name basis, buy a Dodge.
by Rick August 8, 2003
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over-extending the normal boundaries of nerddom
the kids at nerdnyc.com are nerdcore
by Rick October 15, 2003
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A 10 dollar bill, commonly used by white boys to refer to their "stack."
It's all about the Hamiltons baby.
Dude, I'm droppin' Hamiltons like its my job.
by Rick February 19, 2006
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To connect a hose line to a fire engine pump. American fire service slang.
Hookup and look up. (Connect the hose line to the engine and look up at the building to see what is going on.)
by Rick November 16, 2004
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A reply meaning "I scored" when friends ask what happened with a girl.
"Hey Rick what happened with that shorty from last night?"

by Rick December 17, 2003
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