18 definitions by Random832

A word which has been punctuated incorrecly to suggest the word break appears someplace else than it ought to
This document was mishy-phenated by one of my cow-orkers.
by Random832 December 15, 2004
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To check a word for actual use before filing a delete request
Don't file "made up word" deletions without first googling it.
by Random832 December 15, 2004
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One who searches Google Groups (aka usenet) for one's own name or, more frequently recently, for a particular pet issue.

From "grepping loon".
Certain words munged to avoid lepping groons.
by Random832 December 22, 2004
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Red topless (not convertible) sportscar, custom plate "OHTORI", appears in places it shouldn't be able to drive to. Its engine is the sound that races around the end of the world.
Don't you just love the throb of the engine?
by Random832 February 22, 2005
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To cause to become, or to become, infrared in color.
Remote control manufacturers typically infrare their LEDs before shipping
by Random832 February 11, 2005
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In games or tv series (particularly anime), a short event or battle that is drawn out to several hours / multiple episodes, often for dramatic effect or clarity of events.
The DBZ effect was clearly shown in our game when a battle that took 24 sceonds in game took and hour to role play.
by Random832 February 8, 2004
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