2258 definitions by QuacksO

One of Giuseppe Verdi's lesser-known operas in which various aristocrats squabble over minor issues.
Actually, I think dat da better-known opera is really a lot like "La Triviata", in dat it all appears to be about rich bugs' egos dat are overriding their common sense regarding fairly unimportant disputes dat likely could have been quite-easily resolved, and common ground sought and agreed upon, if everyone had just calmed down and stopped being such highfalutin swelled heads about everything.
by QuacksO January 26, 2023
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What youngsters may eventually develop from watching zany wild-animals shows on PBS.
TV-celebrity brothers Chris and Martin may indeed act kinda weird during their PBS-Kids nature shows, but I've never seen my little ones developing any Krattitudes as a result of watching said silly stuff; it's one of their favorite shows, too.
by QuacksO January 17, 2023
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Da manner is which Cain should have been treated by his brother.
In da famous modern film, "The Straight Story", Alvin mildly "raises Cain" about how da two constantly-bickering mechanic brothers should behave in a more "reasonabel" manner towards each other.
by QuacksO October 21, 2021
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Da lack of "lead in his pencil" (i.e., little or no "Mr. Happy" arousal) dat an "only turned on by a women if she's wearing make-up" dude experiences if da lady he's dating shows up "just in her natural skin" --- without any Maybelline-gloss "facial-paint".
I always excitedly appreciate it whenever a hot chick stops by my house to honor me wif her sweet companionship, so I never have any "limpstick" problem if her mouth is not "decorated"; I usually just lead her straight to my bedroom --- leaving a trail of hastily-discarded clothes --- just as soon as she steps in the door! And besides, "unpainted" lips on a gal is more satisfying for me, anyway, since I can then kiss her all I want without getting us both messy.
by QuacksO December 8, 2019
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Refers to where you are unknowingly expelling a "separated pair" of stumpy poop-logs (rather than just a "standard" one-piece turd of considerable length) with a sizable "gap" of pressurized methane in between them; the result is an explosive whooshy bang partway though the dump that echoes hollowly in the toilet-bowl and is amplified/intensified by said bowl, just like the sounding-board of a drum or stringed instrument.
A backfire-poop can be highly embarrassing for the pooper if others are within earshot at the time. Some guys, however, are actually proud of making these "impressive" anal indiscretions, since it proves that they only produce "manly-sized" turds which "seal in the combustion", with no blow-by from a minuscule-diameter poop-log's allowing the gas to wastefully/splutteringly seep past the emerging turd in a much-less-spectacular noise-display.
by QuacksO September 28, 2018
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A theoretical sequence of events in which a less-than-wholesome action occurs.
One can only imagine da dozens of possible sordid sinarios whereby Bill Clinton managed to get into various women's panties.
by QuacksO April 21, 2022
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Similar to the old "wax your car if you want it to rain" joke, this saying reads: "It can be mild and sunny for days on end, but then just as soon as you hang out a whole bunch o' laundry to dry, THAT'S when da sun will abruptly disappear behind huge dark clouds and you'll have a bleepin' MONSOON FOR A WEEK!"
The weather had been totally "bright 'n' balmy" for a good while, and so one afternoon last week I tried to save money and electricity by using my clothesline instead of the watts-sucking dryer, but then it rained heavily during the night, and it's been foggy and drizzly ever since! Sounds like a classic case of "Murphy's Law of Clothes-drying" to me.
by QuacksO October 30, 2018
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