88 definitions by Patrick

A woman laying on her left side ... 3 = b00bs, < = ... well, you know
I was hanging with my <3 last night, we had a good time.
by Patrick February 17, 2005
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term used for someone so good looking, your significant other can't keep you from them; a free pass; usually used for celebrities
Angelina Jolie is so hot that if I had the chance to meet her, my wife will give me a hall pass
by Patrick November 7, 2007
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MadD JdM Yo!!!111

Hella-tight jap-town authentic Jay-Dee-Em Type-R.
Yo, ThoSe KouKi tAilS aRe hElLA tIgHt BiznATcH!!11
by Patrick March 8, 2005
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A battle cry used by europeans that is the best battle cry since AUGH
Soldier:"their coming and we're outnumbered 20 to 1, what should we do?"
Commander"TALLY HO"(points sword towards enemys)
by Patrick October 16, 2004
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guy named gal is somewht vocabulose
by Patrick March 17, 2005
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