35 definitions by OffBeatDrummer

The Yoda of idiocy. That is someone who is so idiotic, they're like Yoda from Star Wars unwittingly jumping and slashing his lightsaber over and over a thousand times with idiotic actions!

Also, another spelling/pronunciation of idiota.
Breana: Huh! You did what?!! Drop the bathtub stopper in the trash while cleaning the bathroom!!?! But, why!??
Anastasia: Umm. I thought it was a piece of soap.
Breana: So, you drop soap in the trash!??!
Anastasia: Errr...I didn't mean to.
Breana: What do you mean you didn't mean to!? You just told me you did it!
Anastasia: Umm. Errr...sorry ma'am! I won't do that ever again!
Breana: What makes you think you'll get another chance!?! You're like the idiyoda of house cleaning. You're fired!!!
by OffBeatDrummer November 11, 2020
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BIFI stands for By Idiots For Idiots.

It is pronounced just like “beefy”.
Dave: So, what do you think of React?
Dave: OK, Golang?
Dave: What about Node?
Dave: Wow! Are there any technologies that are not BIFI by the estimation of software architects?!!
Tim: All technologies that fit a pro & con trade-off analysis! Unfortunately, none of the technologies you mentioned make the cut if a software architect were to put two and two together. Many wannabes these days don't even think about why they are applying a technology. They just monkey see monkey do!

Matthew: Tim, the software architect, told me that React is BIFI, but I don’t understand why?!!
Joe: React assumes a dumb audience to start, among many other reasons.
Matthew: Are you suggesting they assume I am dumb if I were to use React?
Joe: Exactly! For example, bidirectional (two-way) data-binding has been a staple in desktop application GUI development for decades, but React refuses to support it because they say most developers are too dumb to reason about it successfully.
Matthew: What’s wrong with that!? They’re making things more easy for us, no!?
Joe: I doubt any beginner would call React’s style of code easy, so I’m not sure they are anywhere near the target they claimed they were aiming at if that’s what you’re asking.
Matthew: Are you suggesting the makers of React themselves are dumb too?!!
Joe: Now, you’re truly getting to the bottom of why Tim used the term BIFI about them. React is literally By Idiots For Idiots!
by OffBeatDrummer December 28, 2022
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BIFI: By Idiots For Idiots

Pronounced "beefy"

It is a variation on saying: the blind leading the blind.
Humphry: Heard of this new website, Quora?
Benjamin: Sounds like the name of a terrorist.
Humphry: No, it's a website where you ask other people questions, and they answer them.
Benjamin: Ahh, so a clone of Yahoo! Answers!?!
Humphry: Pretty much, but they try to provide a nicer user interface.

A few moments of clickety clackety and the conversation continues...

Humphry: So, what do you think?
Benjamin: BIFI
Humphry: Is that a compliment? Do you mean beefy as in filled with features to the brim?
Benjamin: No, BIFI as in By Idiots For Idiots. Have you taken a closer look at any of the questions or answers? The answers are all wrong and written by idiots. The questions are all dumb and written by even bigger idiots. Thus, BIFI, By Idiots For Idiots!
by OffBeatDrummer December 22, 2021
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BIFI: By Idiots For Idiots

Pronounced as “beefy
Lisa: Quick! Give me some websites that are BIFI
Marie: Quora, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Wikipedia!
Lisa: Thanks. The Dark Web hacker launch codes have been activated. They’ll be end of lifed in no time.
by OffBeatDrummer February 3, 2021
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A person who discriminates against people who fart (similar to racist)
Suzy: Hey, guess who I ran into?
Tom: *farts*
Suzy: Eewwww!!!! You're disgusting, you know that!?!!
Tom: Stop being such a fartist! Soon, it will be against the law!!
by OffBeatDrummer July 2, 2020
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Just a fun way of saying idiot that sounds like idy-yoda. Also, perhaps denoting an iota of idiocy, an idiot who is very small due to their idiotic actions, or just an idiot who is tiny/petite.
Lucy: 50 times 2 is?
Rachel: 200
Lucy: No, you idiota. Haven't you been paying attention in class? Just take off the zero, multiply 5 by 2, and add the zero back: 100
by OffBeatDrummer November 9, 2020
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Kicked out, banned, taken out with the trash!

It's a term reappropriated from Computer Science, which reappropriated it from Garbage Collection Trucks.
Steve: What happened to that office delivery dude that keeps delivering a Hawaiian Pizza every time we order Deep Dish Pizza?
Richmond: Garbage Collected! We had him escorted out of the office building yesterday and told him to never come back again!

* * *

Monica: This girl keeps showing up to class drunk! The teacher finally had her garbage collected!
Samantha: And, what might that mean exactly!?! Did the teacher pick up the trash from around her seat at class or something?
Monica: No need. She was the trash!! He picked her up and took her out with the trash, telling her she was suspended from class for the entire semester!
by OffBeatDrummer November 24, 2020
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