A thing in which either partner makes yoda sounds during inter coarse or purposely says yoda phrase during intercourse
The Yoda style 1: mmmm yeees
The yoda style 2: use the force, so this the dark side, balls deep you'll go, make love we will
The yoda style 2: use the force, so this the dark side, balls deep you'll go, make love we will
by Ancientmayanritual May 9, 2015
Any act including the combination of a Dwarf (i.e. Diastrophic Dysplasia), a domed topped rubbish bin and a young male with blonde hair is a swap or forest setting.
Any reenactment of Luke Skywalker meeting Yoda on planet Dagobah, as this was the name of the scene "The Yoda" became a game amongst the film crew, the idea was to try and catch suprise someone by doing iIt
by JubJubs October 3, 2013
A midget drinks green Kool-Aid. During midget sex, the male wears a glow-in-the-dark condom (his lightsaber) and uses the force to cover them both in vomit.
by Steve Shifty Shaft January 17, 2011
The most powerful Jedi to ever grace the order. His wisdom and knowledge of the force was unmatched. His skills with the lightsaber was only equaled by the strength of his force lightning. Trainer of Darth Tyrannus and Luke Skywalker
by tt March 7, 2003
by Working Class Hero January 2, 2021
A pimp, little green, creature who kicks everyone's ass in Star Wars. He was almost 900 years old when he died.
Yoda walked in with a cane, but all of the sudden he was flyin' off of walls, kickin Count Dooko's evil little hiene.
by jakrel May 29, 2005
Another way of greeting someone within the ghetto it mainly means "Hi or Wats upp ! ". This Word is used mainly in Florida but mostly in the south side (Broward,Miami,keys)
by floridaian954 December 3, 2010