132 definitions by Nikki Stixx

(adj) A state of being under the influence of Xanax or some benzodiazepine.
Betsy was always a sorry sight to see when she was xantarded. She was so easy when she was xantarded. She was so easy when she was not xantarded.
by Nikki Stixx October 23, 2019
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(noun) a person who has both the knowledge and expertise in injecting others with IV drugs. A hitman has skills in both finding and “hitting” veins in people that others cannot even see because a seasoned hitman will feel for the vein first, making sight a secondary sense. More often times than not this person will be compensated for their services. They are an absolute necessity and “go-to” answer for some, while to others and sometimes to the hitman themself their work is considered a hustle. Regardless they are an asset to their community as their work easily qualifies as a form of harm reduction. So when I’m doubt or unsure about your own needle skills, save a limb—call your hitman.
On any given day Nikki’s never out much money on his high. One of his hustles is being hitman for about a dozen different people who have yet to become successful at hitting themselves. Hey, he does them right and they take care of him.
by Nikki Stixx October 11, 2021
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(verb) An exaggerated and inappropriately strong and negative response to a perceived insult or slight. Associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the perceived slighter.
My last girlfriend was always getting butt-hurt everytime she got wind of me going over to Shannon's. 'Too bad....' Shannon gasped in my ear, picking up the pace of yet another sex marathon we had started as she rode my cock hard, continuing she concluded ".... she wasn't here so I could show her how to suck your cock right".
by Nikki Stixx May 5, 2021
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(verb) Exclusive to the southern Appalachian region of the United States, the term refers to the taking, or stealing, of copper material to sell to a scrap yard for a monetary gain. Of all the precious metals copper is one that yields the biggest payoff. Though nearly non-existent now, nearer the turn of the twenty-first century when copper prices were at all-time highs copper enthusiasts were cutting down power lines for the thick copper enclosed within. As a result of such exploits some people did indeed lose their lives. FYI: such practices are indeed felonious. Persons involved in such activities may find themselves incarcerated if caught up in such acts. Be careful, trust no one.
Back in the day, whenever they went out harvesting (or) picking copper, it wasn't uncommon for the entire hollow to lose electricity for a couple of days on account of Chris and Tommy sawing down several nearby power poles. Motherfucking low-life thieves caused me to miss quite a few episodes of The Montel Williams Show.
by Nikki Stixx July 12, 2020
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(noun) A maneuver which entails acquiring the original of something or someone even and replacing the original with a fake or a forgery.
Tina got ahold of her mom's entire bottle of narcotic painkillers. Knowing that her mother would never take any of them, Tina simply pulled the 'ol switcheroo and emptied the bottle of painkillers and substituted their absence with some kind of laxative pills that looked very similar. Tina was on her way to Junkie-dom.
by Nikki Stixx May 24, 2019
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(noun) A general term referring to any type of sexual lubricant, whether for a solitary masturbational excursion or with an active and consenting sexual partner. Most often is the case the word is used among testosterone-topped tots and teenage males in machismo-infused celebration of masturbation.
Dorm-life on campus.....be careful where you step or sit in the shower room. Grabbing a shared copy of one of many dated issues of the pornographic publication FOX magazine, Jordy was destined to rub another out during shower time at the dorm. Looking about he asked his roommate, Nikki, about the bottle of lube that was also shared, "What did you do with the quick? Didn't you have it last?" Nikki replied, "Oh yeah, second drawer down, on the left I think". Simple instructions led Jordy in short order out the dorm room and towards the shower stalls. 'Watch your everyone' Nikki thought to himself, 'Jordy's still a teeny-bopper and cocked like a cannon'.
by Nikki Stixx July 16, 2021
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(noun) You ain’t got no friends, homie. Just haters and perpetrators all conspiring and working in concert with one another to see your ultimate downfall and demise.
Ding-Dong: “Loook, I now have 1,000 FB friends”

Me: “Good for you. Ohh this is just the best news heard in long time”.

Ding-Dong: “Do you want be my FB friend?”

Me: (hehehehe) “I already am…..friend”.
by Nikki Stixx March 27, 2022
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