132 definitions by Nikki Stixx

(noun) An agreed to arrangement between two friends regarding a sexual relationship between them that is clandestine, occasional, situational and beneficial to both. occurring as a result of multiple factors. Either person may/may not have a significant other. The friendship remains, but has potential to become enhanced and strengthened if the exchange is mutually fulfilling and pleasurable, but could become complex or even strained if the arrangement doesn’t go as expected.
Nikki pitched his ‘friend-sex’ idea to Shannon. She said, “I’m seeing someone”, she thought the idea of this ‘friend-sex’ unusual. Getting hard at hearing her say“sex” to him he looked into her eyes and wished he could hold her hands in his replying “I know this, and as a friend I’d do anything you needed me to, as a friend I love you, the last thing I’m wanting to do is ruin our friendship with dating, naw fuck that. Cause we’re friends, right? I know my place. I also know that maybe people aren’t always #1, aren’t always appreciated as they should, are lonely even though they are ‘seeing someone’, I understand that too, sister. Top secret sex stuff between one another, just us involved, no stalking, no disrespect, take it whenever and however you need it. Touch, pleasure, physical gratification, special, anything you say, attention, you first, secret. Anytime, whenever you say. Don’t you get it?? I’m no model so turn the lights down, close your eyes, give in and I promise I’ll make you feel like the only woman in the world, working you and your body over, inspiring your participation in a celebration of you so that in such times together, flesh on flesh connected, alone and close to each other you wish to please as you are pleased. Then when the time is up for then, just call me when you want to come. I’ll be puddy in your hands becoming solid as a totem pole as you wish, the lesbian between your legs if you like, whatever. A secret we share”.
by Nikki Stixx October 26, 2022
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(noun) An agreed to arrangement between two friends regarding a sexual relationship between them that is clandestine, occasional, situational and beneficial to both. occurring as a result of multiple factors. Either person may/may not have a significant other. The friendship remains, but has potential to become enhanced and strengthened if the exchange is mutually fulfilling and pleasurable, but could become complex or even strained if the arrangement doesn’t go as expected.
Shocked by what she’d heard Shannon said, “I’m seeing someone, Nikki”, thinking this idea of ‘friend sex’ to be strange. Nikki countered “I know this, and as a friend I’d do anything you needed me to, as a friend I love you, the last thing I’m wanting to do is ruin our friendship with dating. Leave all that uncertainty, jealousy, and all the other shit behind with who you’re seeing. Fuck all that. I know my place. I also know that sometimes maybe people aren’t always #1, aren’t always appreciated as they should, are even lonely though they are ‘seeing someone’, I understand that too, sister, and that’s what I’m talking about. Top secret sex stuff, just us involved, take it whenever and however you need it. Touch, pleasure, physical gratification, special, anything you say, attention, you first, secret. Anytime, whenever you say. You get it?? I’m no runway model but they’ve come a long way now with light switches so you could just turn the lights down, close your eyes, give in and I promise you that you will get my best as I make you feel like the only woman in the world. Then I’ll work you and your body over (and over) in such a way to inspire you to actively participate in such an intimacy so that in such times together, flesh on flesh connected, all alone and close you wish to please as you are being pleased. Then when the time is up for then, if you’ve been pretending….just run with that idea and around the rest of the world pretend like it never happened”.
by Nikki Stixx October 3, 2022
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(noun) Slang term for any medication, usually referring to a pill or capsule, that is used to overcome erectile dysfunction. Examples include sildenafil/Viagra, tadalafil/Cialis, and vardenafil/Levitra. Sometimes referred more crudely as "hard-on pills", root-heisters are definitely in demand and sell briskly in the black market alongside heroin, cocaine, and any other illicit drug, with one diamond-shaped Viagra pill fetching $10 each at the time of this writing.
Kevin didn't like how Betsy would verbally emasculate him in the bedroom, mocking his stamina, his endurance..his fuckin' manhood, man!!!! No, tonight that brawny bitch was gonna get hers, she was gonna eat her words......and HIS HARD-AS-A-TOTEM-POLE COCK that Kevin intended to pummel her big, broad dirty butt with, thanks to some root-heisters he had scored off of D.I. No doubt about it, Kevin was prepared for war and was going to WHOOP THAT ASS!!! He had better, as D.I. charged him a top-dollar price for the top-shelf root-heister brand, Viagra, the "Rolls-Royce of root-heisters" as he had been told. D.I. was the go-to guy when it came to hard-on medicine, having a stranglehold on the market, and known as a type of 'miracle-worker' when it came to soft-peter and defying the laws of gravity.
by Nikki Stixx February 18, 2022
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(Verb) Oftentimes the condition or state of being a person wishes to attain, and usually does whenever the sufficient amount of opiates are consumed. Successful attainment will include eyes closed and head titled slightly down. In its most extreme form this writer has seen a person practically folded in half while standing upright as if they were touching their toes.
Grant doesn't have a single pair of pants that do not have cigarette burns on the legs. Every time he gets on the nod he will light a cigarette, then he'll closes his eyes and he doesn't come to or snap out of it until the cigarette burns up and burns a hole in his pants.
by Nikki Stixx July 22, 2020
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(noun) A non-derogatory and endearing term or nickname shared between a man and woman who share many common interests, primarily sexual relations.
The smell they had concocted was a sweet, desirable, and pleasurable scent of top-shelf tobacco and sex sweat from the friction of two lovers grinding in sync with one another that carried a hint of ether to it. Now laying beside one another, catching their breath, Shannon turned on her side to face Nikki to tell him, “This is getting to be more fun than I ever dreamed it would be, I’m loving being your FuckDoll, love”. Nikki responded, “And Fuckdoll it is certainly a pleasure for me to be sharing my sweat and seed with fine, foxy fuckin’ FuckDoll like yourself. You get me so goddamn hard, for real”. Satisfied sufficiently, Shannon smiled then slid underneath the sheets and soon secured Nikki’s serpentine into a solid state.
by Nikki Stixx October 7, 2021
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(noun) Slang word used for the benzodiazepine Xanax. The pill gets this name in regards to how agreeable and obviously consenting some woman will be while under the influence of the drug.
There is only one way that I can think of as to how Shaun fucked Jenny in the ass last weekend" Eric stated. Continuing he delivered his punchline, "and that's that he had to of slipped her a few panty-dropper(s) beforehand".
by Nikki Stixx December 26, 2020
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(Noun) A sexual act that involves, from beginning to end, the recipient on all fours and then placing their palms flat against the wall facing them or grabbing hold of a bed's headboard while the giving party slides partially underneath them and places recipient's cock in their mouth and begins the much needed stimuli. Then the giver also begins anal simulation with fingers on hand. Throughout the act the giver may slide back or forward alternating the stimulation they are giving using their mouth and tongue on the cock, testicles, and asshole at their own discretion but not leaving any of the parts unstimulated. The action is usually concluded by the woman penetrating asshole with her finger (as if she hasn't already) at the apex of stimulation resulting in the recipient coming hard while inside the giver's mouth whete it is traditionally consumed posthaste.
Nikki appealed to Betsy, "Lover I am in need of a serious tune up, maybe even sn oil change. Do you think maybe tonight you could do some mechanicking on me to try and fix the problem?" Clearly aggravated, Betsy looked down at her phone and saw that one of her dope connections relayed to her not too long ago that if she wanted any of the candy he had for her it was going to cost her the regular going rate of both anal sex and A blow job, in that order, when she snapped, "I don't know, Goddammit, I swear all you ever think about is sex. Everything is not about you and your stupid cock".
by Nikki Stixx September 15, 2020
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