132 definitions by Nikki Stixx

(phrase) In Junkiedom, meaning to get a shot/injection in oneself.
Man, I'm glad those squares finally left. I was finally able to get-one-in.
by Nikki Stixx October 2, 2019
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(noun/phrase) Fictitious phrase used by many hos and players alike on unsuspecting boyfriend/girlfriend types in an attempt to have them believe they and the subject telling them such are in a special type of relationship that involves love, respect, and many other ideals often akin to the beliefs of a fool or fucking idiot. To believe in the existence of such should warrant a careful examination in regards to the mind of the person believing such ludicrous tales.
Betsy couldn't believe he fell for it. She put it out there as a goof, but that dumb fuck Nikki bought it and didn't ask for the receipt. "Committed monogamous relationship", I'm telling ya, Betsy laughed to herself...."and when you find a unicorn, why just tell that stallion to come on over here to Momma so that he might put that horn in my gooey honey hole, and he measures up enough Momma here gonna put that magic horn in her ass next. Yessir, but don't forget the cocaine, honey".
by Nikki Stixx May 20, 2021
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(noun) Slang term referring someone's hands and/or fingers, oftentimes in a disparaging way.
"Shit", Nikki said, as he remembered his cigarettes. "I left my cigarettes up at T's, and I'm sure Jon has already gotten his peter-players all over them". Considering them gone Nikki put on his coat so that he could go and buy himself yet another pack.
by Nikki Stixx February 16, 2021
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Derogatory phrase to describe an over-weight person, almost always referring to a female.
Nick's girl was a width-wide bitch, tipping the scales at over two-hundred pounds.
by Nikki Stixx December 9, 2018
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(noun) A patsy; a chump; a person who is left with the blame for a crime, oftentimes planned and premeditated by others prior, regardless of their involvement they are subject to and endure the punishment due others.
Born without much common sense Nikki made for the perfect fall guy in Rikki and his gang's next caper which was going to be a heist at the city's only jewelry store. Details aside, it would be a cakewalk, after the crew secured the plundered stones they'd just spin a yarn on old stupid Nikki that would have him stay behind to bear the brunt of their job. When the cops got there by the time they dealt with all his foolishness they would have extended time to get the fuck out of dodge.
by Nikki Stixx June 9, 2021
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(adjective) Term applied to a person’s behavior who is being a very unpleasant personality to everyone around them. Alcohol consumption or Xanax abuse frequently precipitates such unbecoming behavior but that is not a requirement, as some people can have a great deal of negative energy and possess a very rotten and undesirable personality and existence .
Langdon worked at the regional jail, but he really shouldn't have. Fuckin’ weirdo had some type of feces obsession, but that wasn't even why I call him assholic, no not at all. Moher fucker got off on taunting and fucking with the poor defenseless prisoners there sometimes his true bullshit assholic personality he wouldn't put away and would be on full display for Mom and Dad.....but I did catch him eating some shit out of one of his male coworker’s ass in his bedroom. He doesn't know it, but I told Mom about it.
by Nikki Stixx April 8, 2021
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(verb) The anal ingestion of a drug, administered with a syringe. The method is nearly as effective and as fast as intravenous method. As with all things there can be some unpleasant side effects depending on what chemical/drug is being injected.
Stevie could not hit a vein for shit earlier. I think he did it that on purpose because in short order after a few attempts, the fagget-singer broke the needle tip off his rig, raised up in the seat, cause I was driving when he did it, and then he worked his hands behind him and gave me a first hand demonstration of booty-bumping.
by Nikki Stixx May 2, 2021
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