52 definitions by NIK
by NIK November 10, 2003
Stands for either Totally Awesome Dude, or Totally Awesome, Dude. Can be used as an adjective synonymous to "cool".
by NIK December 5, 2004
Passing the time doing nothing much.
Obviously stems from the words "time" and "pass"...effectively meaning passing the time (but in a non-productive way).
Background: Used in India colloquially.
Obviously stems from the words "time" and "pass"...effectively meaning passing the time (but in a non-productive way).
Background: Used in India colloquially.
by NIK March 31, 2005
passing the time doing nothing much.
Obviously stems from the words "time" and "pass"...effectively meaning passing the time (but in a non-productive way)
Background: Used in India colloquially.
Obviously stems from the words "time" and "pass"...effectively meaning passing the time (but in a non-productive way)
Background: Used in India colloquially.
"I was doing timepass while I was waiting for you"
by NIK March 15, 2005
LOL!! tahts funnie, see guns n' roses this is the definition that people search for that dont know shit about gn'r and hate them.
person: i HATE guns and roses!
gn'r fan: nedver heard of them, i LOVE guns n' roses though!!!
get it..?
gn'r fan: nedver heard of them, i LOVE guns n' roses though!!!
get it..?
by NIK October 5, 2004
good, you clicked my link (if you dida search for guns and roses) if you did than you dont know shit about guns n' roses, well geuss waht?.. you just learned something, that its not guns and roses its guns n' roses...see the difference? this is what people search for if then know a thing or two about them, and knwo hwo to spell it right. anyway...there an almighty band who unfortantlly broke up cuz axl is such a faggot. dotn get me wrong.. i like his voice, but he himself is gay..he made the rest of the band sighn the name over to him or he would leave them, how low is that?!
by NIK October 5, 2004