1510 definitions by Mike

Just admit it... the best state EVER. Also, (refering to defn. #14) don't diss Ohio if you can't even freakin spell "CLEVELAND" right. Secondly, Ohio WAS NOT the Flordia of the 2004 election. We voted red (like it or not... frankly I voted white) 51% to 49% so you all can piss-off. Statistcally, people that live in northeast Ohio around C-Town North (that's Cleveland) have the correct pronounciation of the American English Language so y'all can just kiss my brass. Not to mention we have the best roller coaster park in the nation (Cedar Point) which holds more than 13 world records. Yes, our seasons are Winter, Construction and More Construction but hey... at least we're not Michigan.

Oh yeah... it's POP not SODA
All hail Ohio... because you're just pissed off you don't live here.
by Mike December 15, 2004
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The white equivalent of "Skeet skeet" however different definition. This one can be anything you want it to mean. Use it any way you can.
This guy came up to me the other day and i was like 'snip snip' and he knew his role.

Sheeet- I walked in to the doctor's the other day, sat around, snip snip I was done in 20.
by Mike March 23, 2004
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niggar loving whore,white girl who loves a niggar.
yeap she's a niloho.can you belive that fine ass bitch is a niloho
by Mike January 13, 2005
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Used most commonly in Northern California and southern Oregon. But can be heard almost anyhwere on the west coast.

used instead of - alot, very, way, really

hella = hell of a ?

We had a hell of a good time.
We had a hella good time.
I'm hella tired.

I got hella food at my house.

It's hella hot outside.
by Mike March 13, 2005
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Piano keys. Now made from plastic or other synthetics, the keys were once made from elephant tusks.
Skinny Sanderson, you want to lower the lights, serve some champaign, and then tickle the ivories for a spell?
by Mike May 7, 2007
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One who enjoys paintball and teabagging
Wow, that Sardo is one gay peice of shit.
by Mike June 30, 2004
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Used to refer to a crackhead usually used in california
Yo you see the cluckhead over there fiendin.
by Mike August 26, 2003
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