14 definitions by Meera Swami

Someone who is ridiculously thin but doesn't think they are. A condition commonly suffered by size zero celebrities such as Nicole Ritchie, Kate Bosworth, Teri Hatcher and the rest of the lollipop lady brigade.
I went dress shopping with her the other day and she thought she looked fat in everything she tried on, I was like, as if, you real skinny malinky.
by Meera Swami January 19, 2007
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The Virgin Mary. Can be used when describing the plethora of religious art on offer in Italy or any biblical stories involving the holy one.
When we were in Florence, all the pictures had the VM in.
by Meera Swami January 25, 2007
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Virgin Mary Lover (see VM. Devout Christian or Catholic. May also be used in a semi-ironic manner to describe a religious hypocrite.
Catholic boy is such a total VML, he was going on about how abortion is an essentially selfish act regardless of circumstances
by Meera Swami January 25, 2007
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Someone pretty clueless. Someone so clueless they don't know how many holes they have down under....
She is such a no holer, I can't believe you are even her friend.
by Meera Swami January 25, 2007
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A state of really serious dilemma which has far reaching and potentially devastating consequences.
when a friend has really serious BO and you don't know quite how to tell her, or sleeping with 2 men at once, or seeing one of your friends ex-boyfriends and not knowing how to tell her.... an extreme dilemmarama would be a combination of all the above at once!
by Meera Swami January 19, 2007
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When someone is so extremely good looking and sexy that it sets them above the sphere of mere mortals.
Did you see the Pats game on Sunday? How is hotilicious Tom Brady!!!
by Meera Swami January 19, 2007
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Jesus Loving Freak. Refers to those sad souls who stand in the streets and preach to the masses to be saved and that you will burn in hell if you don't join up with their cult. Also can be used to describe the spread of evil of all evils - televangelists.
I can't believe she had a go about me about having had a one night stand, she is such a JLF.
by Meera Swami January 25, 2007
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