45 definitions by Matthew678

For cripes sake!

Interjection of anger or annoyance, like darn it, son-of-a-gun!, etc. Euphemistic form of for Christ's sake.
Person: 1 Go f*ck yourself!

Person 2: For cripes sake! Shut up!

Person 1: What does that mean?

Person 2: It means for Christ's sake but without offending anyone.
by Matthew678 March 8, 2019
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A child-friendly substitute for f*ck when you don't want to swear.
Fudge! I'm so tired of this fudging homework!
by Matthew678 May 13, 2019
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A cool euphemism for c**ksucker when you can't really swear.
by Matthew678 May 20, 2019
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An effect with negative colors with the pitches -12, -5, 0, +4, +7 and +12.
I made the songs in G-Major.
by Matthew678 February 6, 2019
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Confound it!

Used to express surprise, frustration or anger. Term that can be used as a non-offensive replacement for damn it or goddamn it.
Confound it! I can't find my darned keys!
by Matthew678 March 19, 2019
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Fudge you

A way of saying f**k you without swearing.
Mike: You're a dumb crap!
Bob: Fudge you!
by Matthew678 April 4, 2019
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Shut the front door

A most useful expression for shut the f**k up. Used when in annoyance, frustration, anger, etc.
Person 1: Kill yourself!

Person 2: Shut the front door!!!!!
by Matthew678 March 22, 2019
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