691 definitions by MathPlus

When people continually wear a face mask daily long after the coronavirus pandemic has been contained—when mask withdrawal causes them psychological pain rather than physical gain.
Guesstimate how many people worldwide suffer from mask wearing syndrome, who need to seek treatment for their withdrawal symptoms.
by MathPlus June 9, 2021
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When Covid-19 has a hidden price attached to it: those living alone or in nursing homes; those disregarding public health measures to protect themselves and others; and those losing their loved ones prematurely or their jobs suddenly.
Be it opportunist corrupt or inept politicians lying to the public to remain in power, selfish customers hoarding essential items, or covidiots refusing to wear a mask or practicing social distancing, they all have to pay for their actions (and inactions)—the cost of the coronavirus is just a breath, lie, or inconvenience away.
by MathPlus March 30, 2021
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One of the most popular metaphors in mathematics, which allows students to grasp the idea of the sequence of numbers—for instance, the further apart two numbers are from each other, the greater the distance between them.
The number line is a powerful visual tool that enables us to make sense of the arithmetic of integers—for example, why the difference of two negative numbers can produce a positive number.
by MathPlus December 19, 2018
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A specially designed Bible with a cross-shaped hole that runs across the front and back covers of the holy book to remind readers that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
No one knows how many original copies of “The Holey Bible”—a collectors’ item among both believers and unbelievers—are in circulation.
by MathPlus August 21, 2021
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A mental condition when the irrational number π suffers occasional bouts of depression, especially during a pandemic, when fewer theorems on pi grace the pages of reputable math journals and periodicals.
As the most beloved constant in mathematics, it’s not surprising that π is prone to piralysis every now and then, as it pops up in fewer proofs from delayed publications that came out when the world was on lockdown.
by MathPlus July 28, 2021
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Count, Count, Count—the evil mantra of the liberals or socialists, which translates into the fact that the more they count the votes, the more there are more votes for Biden than Trump, which is a fraud.
President Trump’s morally bankrupt entourage are singing along the political hymn he wants to hear, which blames the fake news media for brainwashing the electorate with the C-word.
by MathPlus November 7, 2020
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A belief among superstitious or idolatrous folks in some parts of Asia that the evil spirit of the coronavirus would linger around until it has claimed at least three victims within days in a certain locality.
Some polytechnic students couldn’t start their “morbid” project to test the paranormal hypothesis whether or not “Covid strikes in threes,” because it’s deemed “insensitive and heartless.”
by MathPlus February 27, 2021
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