691 definitions by MathPlus

When some selfish fellows or anti-maskers find it so hard to take out their face mask to wear it in public until they are threatened with a fine by the police if they refuse to do so.
Some unvaccinated religious zealots or diehard conspiracists would rather go to jail than pay a fine for refusing to don a mask in crowded places, which is a big concern for the authorities as these covidiots refuse to hear anything about mask constipation.
by MathPlus May 26, 2021
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When the coronavirus has had enough of the Liar- or Denier-in-Chief, who was given ample opportunity or warning to stop lying about the pandemic, and to start leading like a president in containing the crisis, prior to his infection.
Covid-19 couldn’t care less whether you are a president, prisoner, or priest; Covid-🤥 needed to give the president a wake-up call to prevent the country from witnessing a health apocalypse.
by MathPlus October 5, 2020
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The devilish term sarcastically used by brainwashed Fox News viewers and diehard Trumpublican evangelicals, or by those who only watch right-wing media channels, for a “vaccine passport,” which these anti-vaxxers would need if they wished to fly to countries that only welcome immunized passengers.
Guesstimate how many 666-vaccinated documents would be issued in the United States in 2021.
by MathPlus April 21, 2021
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When artists worldwide creatively use their art via masks to fight COVID-19, by transforming the medical masks, which often instill fear and death, into symbols of hope and life.
Mask art through the artists’ creations encourages people to wear masks, not as an obligation but out of conviction, to protect themselves and others against infection or reinfection.
by MathPlus June 28, 2021
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When you give the value of the number π correct to more significant figures or decimal places in order that a better pi approximation could be used in a calculation.
Rocket scientists want to grow the pi to play safe, because working with more digits would help reduce any loss in human lives.
by MathPlus October 10, 2021
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To be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit so that you may know God’s Will for you, instead of thinking that you need to be in a large gathering of fellow believers to feel God’s Presence and hear from Him.
God’s Presence or Power isn’t activated only when there’re more believers around, because He’s in their midst even when two or three of them come together—we need to follow the cloud, not the crowd.
by MathPlus January 25, 2018
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A label for a political hypocrite who votes to acquit a bad or evil person, then condemns them for their unethical, criminal, or treasonous act—named after US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who acquitted Donald J. Trump of treason, before holding the Inciter-in-Chief responsible for his white supremacist and terrorist supporters’ deadly attack on the Capitol.
In the second impeachment trial of the Commander in Cheat, the Senate’s 57-43 vote shows that there are at least 43 morally bankrupt McConnells who are too petrified to vote against their Divider-in-Chief.
by MathPlus February 14, 2021
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