12 definitions by Little j (of Flylife)

to be giddy, jovial, and utterly utterly wasted. Acceptable intoxicants are booze, drugs or nutmeg
My Oktoberfest crapulence was remarkable. Lamp shade...bah! I sir, wore a golden retriever for the better part of an hour.
by Little j (of Flylife) August 22, 2002
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1.Reference to testicles, or bravado.
2.Expletive, expressing ones dissapointment with a situation
by Little j (of Flylife) August 27, 2002
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1)Derivitive of boo, exclamation of negative feelings towards situation, item, person, or comment.
2)Shouted in suport of Mr. Burns, while in a mob of onlookers
(bartender)Hey, guys last call.
by Little j (of Flylife) August 22, 2002
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3. A parallel to attitude, only related to suckyness
3. Jill was all full of suckitude.
by Little j (of Flylife) March 17, 2003
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Appropriate slang reference to city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada or immediate surrounds.
note:may or may not be preceded by "the"
Are you hittin that Beatmatch party in Tdot?
by Little j (of Flylife) August 22, 2002
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The small belly section, below the belly button of a considerably fit woman. Sought after in females.
That woman is anorexic, she doesnt even have a little poodglin. That makes me sad, go give her a chocolate chip.
by Little j (of Flylife) August 22, 2002
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Derogitory opposing form of "smart", as if to say stupid. Used on chat or IM where expression of the concept would take many characters.

"Oh really eh, well I guess i'll do that then, you're so smrt"
by Little j (of Flylife) August 27, 2002
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