8 definitions by Lamb Lamb
Guy 1: "Turn on the air conditioning, it's smolderingly hot in here."
Guy 2: "I'm trying to get it to work. If I turn off the radio, roll my windows down, and accelerate past 40 miles per hour, my air conditioning should start functioning again."
Guy 1: "Your car is so air conditional. Also, I fucked your sister."
Guy 2: "I'm trying to get it to work. If I turn off the radio, roll my windows down, and accelerate past 40 miles per hour, my air conditioning should start functioning again."
Guy 1: "Your car is so air conditional. Also, I fucked your sister."
by Lamb Lamb August 5, 2009
My buddy and I had a most brolific weekend working out, eating wings, drinking and hitting on girls together.
by Lamb Lamb July 21, 2010
Brad: "Why does Ken look like he's about to collapse?"
Trevor: "Judging by the lunch we just ate, it is my determination that Ken is suffering from Double Down Syndrome."
Trevor: "Judging by the lunch we just ate, it is my determination that Ken is suffering from Double Down Syndrome."
by Lamb Lamb April 17, 2010
The condition experienced by witty and intellectual Urban Dictionary contributors whose entries never make Word of the Day. Instead, many obnoxious and boring entries are published, thus causing the intestinal pain and diarrhea associated with Urban Dysentery.
An email from Urban Dictionary containing the Word of the Day awaits me each morning on my phone. Today's word is Fart Enthusiast. Another day is ruined by Urban Dysentery.
by Lamb Lamb December 4, 2010
by Lamb Lamb April 23, 2009
I had a memorable unexpection yesterday after my friend accidentally grazed my crotch with her hand.
by Lamb Lamb October 14, 2009
Laugh To Myself. An acronym seldom used by those who don't actually Laugh Out Loud (LOL), but claim they do.
by Lamb Lamb December 13, 2009